
Determinants of environmental air pollution of any geographic region consist of both natural and manmade factors. Natural factors affecting the course of air pollution include local landscape and topography, and synoptic and meteorological conditions that determine air flow in the region, and affect the conditions of background air pollution. Anthropogenic factors often constitute the main source of environmental air pollution and include factors such as the location of air pollutant emitting facility, its power level, the distribution of pollution in time and space, the type of air pollution, parameters of air pollutant releasing pipes, the type of air-purification procedure, adopted air pollution thresholds, and the extent of environmental protection measures in place.

This article describes the research of current state and analysis of prospects for the tourism development in the Republic of Kazakhstan, including the following objectives solved: the basic theoretical aspects of tourism are studied; the value of tourist activity in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is revealed; the structure of the tourism industry is studied and the potential of the tourism resources of the country is analyzed; the analysis of the factors influencing on the development of tourism in the country is carried out, the main directions and prospects of tourism development in the Republic of Kazakhstan are revealed. The study was performed on the basis of data from the Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

This article is considered the historical stages of the geoekological situation a river basin of Nura. The main regions of conversion the researching territory are studied. Based on the classification of anthropogenic impacts identified the influence of industrial enterprises on the environment a river basin of Nura. 

Ecotourism is the main indicator of economic development. Ecotourism is now a priority sector and contributes to the sustainable development of the economy. The article deals with modern potential of ecotourism of Ulytau region and provides future development plans. By many in tourism development is planned in the Ulytau region because the in region of the picturesque mountains and lakes is very important. Development of ecotourism, based on the promotion of national values, historical and cultural monuments of the famous sights of Ulytau region and made the ecotourism routes.

The article is devoted to questions of ecological state of water resources in Central Kazakhstan. The geo- ecological state of the small rivers catchment on the example of the River Karkaralinka is considering. It de- scribes the physical and geographical features of the river catchment. The study identified natural and anthro- pogenic factors affecting the river basin, also held geoecological analysis of the contaminated area.

In the article geographic factors of influence on the arid relief of Kazakhstan were considered. Changing of pluvial and xerothermic ages is shown. Conformity of xerothermic epoch with tendencies of modern reliefforming is defined. Arid type of climate of Kazakhstan contributes to the lack of local flowing waters. It is known that, climatic, hydrographic and geomorphologic factors influence on the distribution and accumulation of groundwaters.

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science