This article examines the refusal of Kazakhstan from nuclear weapons, as well as the policy of Nursultan Nazarbayev, aimed at delivering mankind from nuclear weapons and strengthening the regime of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. By the time of gaining independence, Kazakhstan had received a huge nuclear potential - the fourth in the world in terms of its capacity. On the territory of Kazakhstan there were the largest test, space and nuclear test sites in the USSR - Emba, Sary-Shagan, Baikonur, Semipalatinsk test site. The first president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev refused atomic warheads, signing the Lisbon Protocol on May 22, 1992. Kazakhstan deserved recognition of the international community and consolidated global leadership in nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and nuclear security.
At the beginning of the independence Kazakhstan made very important decisions, such as refusal of nuclear weapon, an initiative of strengthening of religious consent, the offer on input of single world currency – these and other Kazakhstan initiatives managed to change a picture of the modern world. After the collapse of the USSR Kazakhstan had to accept one of the most important decisions in the history. At our disposal there was a nuclear missile arsenal, the fourth on power, in the world thanks to which Kazakhstan could be approved as the nuclear power, but, despite it, the President Nursultan Nazarbayev made the decision to refuse an opportunity to possess the strongest military weapon.
On August 29 it is announced in the International afternoon of actions against nuclear tests. This day, in 1991, was marked by closing of Semipalatinsk proving ground, and our country took a powerful step on the way of the world, free from nuclear weapon.
Historical importance of this decision made by Nursultan Nazarbayev cannot be overestimated. According to Nazarbayev, having refused nuclear weapon, Kazakhstan had an opportunity to equip army with military equipment and to attract investments, also Kazakhstan got respect of the international community and the powerful economic help from Russia, NATO and the USA. The Program of joint reduction of threat known as Nunn-Lugara's Program was created. She began to act on December 12, 1991 and played a key role in the first years of independence of our country. Within the program during the period from 1991 to 2012, according to official figures the USA, 8,79 billion dollars were allocated. On this money of Russia, the equipment, services and consultations was provided to Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus.
Many foreign analysts connect temporary closure of the nuclear test site by the United States of America in the State of Nevada and stops of nuclear tests on the Chinese ground Lop Nor with the events which took place on August 29, 1991.
Resolute actions of Kazakhstan for the ban of nuclear tests in the territory removed our country in vanguard of global process of strengthening of non-proliferation regime. The position of Kazakhstan was designated extremely clearly: the country has to become free from nuclear weapon.
Closing of Semipalatinsk Test Site caused the end of nuclear tests which lasted on an extent of more than 40 years. The following step taken by Kazakhstan on the way of the nuclear-free world there was a signing of the international agreements on a conclusion of nuclear weapon and funds of its delivery from the territory of the country. Thanks to it, Kazakhstan found the status of the nuclear-free state and obtained the international security guarantees and territorial integrity from the countries of "the nuclear five" - the USA, Russia, Great Britain, France and the People's Republic of China.
With assistance of Russia and the USA in Kazakhstan all infrastructure of nuclear weapon was liquidated. With assistance of Russia and the USA in Kazakhstan all infrastructure of nuclear weapon was liquidated. It should be noted that in 1991 in the territory of the republic the huge arsenal of weapons of mass destruction was located: 1040 nuclear warheads for intercontinental ballistic missiles and 370 warheads for cruise missiles of air basing. It was the fourth in the world in size the nuclear armory which is exceeding nuclear forces of Great Britain, France on power and conceding only to Russia and the USA. In the territory of the country there were also newest delivery systems of nuclear weapons, including the intercontinental SS-18 ballistic missiles and the MS strategic Tu-95 bombers. Besides, Kazakhstan had all resources for production of active components of nuclear weapon.
In the 1994th the president N. Nazarbayev authorized export from the country in the USA about 600 kilograms of highly enriched uranium sufficient for production more than 20 atomic bombs. In the 2005th with the participation of the American side the project on dilution of three tons of highly enriched uranium to the level low-enriched for the subsequent its use in peace nuclear power was complete.
Our country became one of the first in the CIS who joined the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. Kazakhstan played an important role in creation of a zone, free from nuclear weapon in Central Asia and also actively supported creation of similar zones in other regions of the planet, mainly in the Middle East.
Similar actions of Kazakhstan, showed to the world desire to become free from violence and military threat and also approved its political weight on the world scene and respect from the East and the West, desire to cooperate with our country in the most different areas.
Most of world experts considers that experience of Kazakhstan deserves further advance and promoting as the history visually showed: the decision to refuse nuclear weapon was correct. The status of the non-nuclear regional power strengthened country positions in fight for nuclear disarmament, stability, world peace and global safety. The refusal of nuclear weapon became an important factor of economic and political development, internal stability of Kazakhstan.
At the same time it is necessary to agree with fair assessment of the leader of our country that, unfortunately, "the few followed the example of Kazakhstan, and today nuclear threat, it is similar to the organism struck with radiation, continues to mutate, getting new and new forms".
By estimates of experts, for the last 20 years global arsenals of nuclear weapon decreased ten times. At the same time the number of the countries having it increased to nine - "the nuclear five" and Israel India, Pakistan and DPRK joined. In the world huge arsenals of nuclear weapon - about 80 thousand "Hiroshima" bombs at "nine", 90% from them - at the USA and Russia still remain.
Carrying out nuclear tests by North Korea, contradictions around the nuclear program of Iran, long-term opposition of two nuclear powers - India and Pakistan, attempt of terrorists to get own nuclear weapon - all this shows fragility and instability of world strategic balance.
Also the fact that all states having nuclear weapon is not a secret (including the USA and Russia to which share its main part), in the near future publicly falls or secretly assume to keep and modernize nuclear forces.
As practice shows, the regional powers having or seeking for possession of nuclear weapon consider it, mainly, as the main means of control of large-scale aggression. Experts note that there are yet no serious reasons to say that the similar relation to nuclear weapon will cardinally change in the next decades.
At the same time the saved-up huge arsenal of nuclear weapon does not protect from real threats - from distribution of nuclear weapon in the world, from possible drawing rocket attack.
It is obvious that nuclear weapon is absolutely inefficient tool in fight against the international terrorist groups. At the same time access for terrorists to nuclear weapon, on the contrary, acts as one of the most serious risks for all states of the world.
Probably, it is necessary to agree with opinion of a number of the experts believing that the refusal of nuclear control is possible only if all international security is constructed on other principles where the small states will not be afraid of big any more and to try to balance forces by means of "a nuclear bludgeon".
As more than once in the performances N. Nazarbayev emphasized, Kazakhstan considers unjustified arguments of a number of the countries that possession of nuclear weapon is an absolute security guarantee. On the contrary, shows experiment of successful national and state construction of Kazakhstan for the last two decades that only sustainable social and economic development, peaceful and mutually advantageous co-existence with other countries gives original long-term security guarantees.
Our state supports creation of universal global system of nuclear safety which would unite effective non- proliferation regime of nuclear weapon with the accurate international standards of safe use of atomic energy in the peace purposes.
Kazakhstan hoped more than once that the example of creation of zones, free from nuclear weapon, in Central Asia, Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia will be used also in other parts of the world. As the country, more others affected by nuclear tests, Kazakhstan supports the fastest entry into force of the Contract on their general prohibition.
The important direction is development of cooperation with IAEA within which, in particular, the question of placement in the territory of Kazakhstan of the International bank of the low-enriched uranium of IAEA (MBNOU) is considered now. This initiative - a concrete contribution of Kazakhstan to strengthening of non- proliferation regime, elimination of that of "white spots" which are available in the international legal field concerning realization by a number of the countries the national of programs of use of peaceful atom.
One of the last initiatives of N. Nazarbayev announced at the Global summit on nuclear safety in April of the 2010th in Washington and in March of the 2012th in Seoul is the offer on adoption in the long term of the Universal declaration of the nuclear-free world. In it the determination of all states to move ahead step by step to the world, free from nuclear weapon has to be recorded.
N.Nazarbayev addressed all countries with the offer to support acceptance in the UN of the Universal declaration which would become powerful support to process of adoption of the Convention on prohibition of nuclear weapon. This process is rather difficult as along with the peaceful mission of the nuclear-free world understood by all the national interests of various states face. The Kazakhstan diplomacy continues to work on development of mutually acceptable formulations for the purpose of acceptance by consensus of the corresponding General Assembly resolution.
Kazakhstan is interested in providing the world and stability in the region, and first of all - in the fastest resolving the situation around the nuclear program of Iran. Our country supports its exclusively diplomatic settlement and hopes for development of a compromise solution.
The active and balanced foreign policy, including initiatives of strengthening of non-proliferation regime of nuclear weapon, is an unconditional contribution of our country to world stability, an order and safety. Thanks to such responsible policy Kazakhstan by right is recognized as the leader of non-proliferation regime, model for other states. As a bright illustration of it serves support by the United Nations General Assembly of the proposal of N.Nazarbayev on the announcement on August 29 in the International afternoon of actions against nuclear tests.
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