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Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Modernization and national interests of Kazakhstan in foreign policy: statement of problem

In article the main vectors of geopolitical development of Kazakhstan which basis is made by historical, economic- geographical, sociopolitical aspects are considered. Necessity of multivectorial foreign policy is justified. Paralells around events in geopolitics at the beginning of independence and their transformation in modern history of the country are carried out.The classification of the causes of success of Kazakhstan in the new political realities. The main of which is the adoption of institutional and constructive international initiatives Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev. Here are the facts about the goals and objectives identified in the "Foreign Policy Concept for 2014-2020." Prepared under the message the Republic of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan "Strategy" Kazakhstan-2050": new political course of the established state". Topics covered on the importance of the adoption of the concept, which helps to strengthen the role of our country in geopolitics, is a landmark in the development of relations with neighboring countries. 

Introduction. National interests are total requirements of all society, namely safety and integrity of the state, protection of sovereignty, strengthening of positions on the international scene, creation of favorable external conditions for internal development and increase in a level of living of the population. Set of the foreign policy purposes and ways of their realization makes the concept of foreign policy. It usually includes three moments. Firstly, general idea about an optimum condition of the international system. Secondly, general idea about how this system can be created. Thirdly, it contains justification of the place and a role of this state in creation of this system. The foreign policy concept is implemented through a foreign policy that is a target orientation of foreign policy activity of the state.

On January 24, 2017 in the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the meeting of authorities of Syria and opposition, called in modern diplomacy by the Astana process. Now there is no doubt that this year in the foreign policy relations began successfully for Kazakhstan. Carrying out so important round of negotiations not in Geneva, but in the capital of Kazakhstan (negotiations on Syria are officially held in Geneva since 2011), is an important indicator of the authority of Kazakhstan on foreign policy circles. It is an indicator of correctly verified strategy of bilateral negotiations both with the countries of the FSU and beyond, and with the whole organizations changing shape of modern geopolitics the last 30-40 years.

In article there is a wish to pay attention to formation of Kazakhstan as reliable foreign policy ally, mediator capable the influence in the region of Central Asia to unite these countries for the good of the solution of problems not only economic character, but also showing important qualities and remarkable efforts in the decision of the arising conflicts border regions.

Kazakhstan could collect at a negotiating table of participants of the bloody conflicts, which claimed of the lives of civilians, conflicting parties and forces of the authorities wishing to help with building relations and opposition which claimed sets. Kazakhstan, Turkey, Russia, Iran, representatives of the UN showed willingness to continue participation in negotiations which next round will take place in Geneva on February 8, 2017 and noted that the international meeting on Syria in Astana is a form for direct dialogue between the government and opposition as that the resolution demands 2254 UN Security Councils.

Before discussion in article of a geopolitical vector of Kazakhstan, I think will be important to consider the question – ‘what is the modern geopolitics’.

Geopolitics – studies the dependence of foreign policy of the states and character of the international relations on system of the political, economic and military strategy caused by a geographical location of the country (region) and a number of natural and economical and geographical factors (climate, natural resources, resettlement, etc.). Geopolitics purposes – development of geostrategy of the state that is justification of the directions and mechanisms of its foreign policy activity [1].

According to the concept of foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2014-2020" our country puts before externally political department in the person of the president, the ministry of foreign policy and the Prime minister the following tasks:

  • every possible ensuring national security, defense capability, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country;
  • strengthening of the world, regional and global security;
  • providing steady positions and formation of a positive image of the state in the world community;
  • establishment of a fair and democratic world order at the central and coordinating role of the United Nations (UN);
  • further integration into system of regional and international trade and economic relations;
  • creation of favorable external conditions for successful realization of Strategy-2050, achievement of a high level of living of the population, strengthening of unity of multinational society, the constitutional state and democratic institutes, realization of the rights and freedoms of the person;
  • diversification, industrial and technological development and increase in competitiveness of national economy;
  • phased transition of the country on the "green" way of development and entry into number of 30 most developed states of the world;
  • preservation of national and cultural originality and following to own way of further development of the state;
  • protection of the rights of citizens and legal entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, their private, family and business interests abroad;
  • support of the Kazakh diaspora and Kazakhs abroad [2].

The Republic of Kazakhstan in the decisions and aspirations is guided by these principles that we observed before adoption of so important document and which promotes strengthening of a role of our country in geopolitics and it is a reference point in development the relation with neighboring countries.

Development of the concept of foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan was conducted in line with the foreign policy priorities formulated in Strategy Kazakhstan-2050. In it difference of the new Concept from previous consists. In this regard emergence of the new concept of foreign policy was caused by justification of new priorities of modernization, strengthening of a role of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the international scene, and also cardinal change of structure and dynamics of modern worldwide policy and economy.

The foreign policy of our republic formally is implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is actually carried out by the Head of state. ("The concept of foreign policy of the republic for 2014-2020" was approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 29, 2014). Personal ideas of the President of what place at Kazakhstan in system of the international relations what policy the republic strongly has to pursue has to be is reflected in our open foreign policy which suits many partners.

For Kazakhstan achievement of success in foreign policy was not one-day work. It is step-by-step considered, somewhere risky strategy. So our country will not be satisfied with what has already been achieved and will continue to establish and develop good-neighbourhood both with neighboring countries and with foreign countries.

As the difficult way of overcoming economic and political barriers and in what geopolitical course will take Kazakhstan in the contemporary history began for our country, this question is key in this article.

Kazakhstan declared the Independence in 1991. Before the young state there were problems of definition of the person on the international scene, developments of an independent strategic course of development in foreign and domestic policy.

From the very beginning, that is from Independence finding, Kazakhstan completely conducted open foreign policy activity. The country supported all integration efforts of neighbors and was their active member: Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), Euroasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) and Common Economic Space (CES).

On March 2, 1992 Kazakhstan was admitted (without vote) to the UN. Until the end of 1992 the republic was recognized by 106 states of the world, diplomatic relations were established with 61 states. Kazakhstan became the member of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE), World bank of reconstruction and development (IBRD), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB) and other authoritative international organizations.

Now Kazakhstan established diplomatic relations already with 139 states of the world, having opened at the same time more than 70 foreign representations. In Kazakhstan diplomats more than 100 foreign states, representatives of the regional and international organizations are accredited. Today in various areas of activity in Kazakhstan 15 representative offices of the UN fruitfully work.

Since the first Independence Day the Leader of the nation – the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev, consistently and purposefully seeking for strengthening of a position of the state in the world, and also to participation in affairs of the world community, announced a number of the institutional and constructive international initiatives directed to strengthening of the world, dialogue, stability as within the country, and on the international space. One of the last such initiatives, Nursultan Nazarbayev's proposal on convocation in Astana of the Summit of the world and its appeal to adoption of the Convention on full prohibition of nuclear weapon sounded at the Summit on nuclear safety in Washington and at a conference in Astana on August 29, 2016.

Position of our country as reliable partner in the political and economic relations, openness and tolerance (creation of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan and giving of political force to it), the multinationality, and the most key question at the beginning of Independence - refusal of a nuclear armory (Closing of Semipalatinsk Test Site, 1991) began to put future success of the country in on the international scene.

In the brochure of 1992 N. Nazarbayev notes: "Kazakhstan will become a zone, free from nuclear weapon, as a result of contractual process. Taking into account interests of the safety our final desire - to obtain guarantees of territorial integrity and inviolability without nuclear potential"[3].

In 1992 Kazakhstan, confirming desire for peace and safety around the world entered Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

Heads of many state members of OSCE gave appreciation of a role and to a contribution of Kazakhstan to case on non-proliferation of nuclear weapon and other means of mass defeat, is emphasized about further support of policy of our country in this sphere.

The mission of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a part of OSCE first of all consists in the aspiration to keep stability in Central Asia and to ensure regional security for forward development of the region.

Presidency of our country in OSCE in 2010 became one of the major events for Kazakhstan on the international scene; it confirms high trust of the international community.

Developing cooperation with the Arab and Turkic states, Kazakhstan in 1995 became the member of the Organization of Islamic Conference.

Interaction with the Muslim states is one of priorities of foreign policy of the republic. In return the Islamic world regards Kazakhstan as an integral part of Muslim community.

On June 28, 2011 in Kazakhstan there took place the 38th session the meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs (MMFA) of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC). On this action more than 1000 foreign guests from 57 countries of the world participated. The first serious decision which was adopted at a session is renaming, rebranding of OIC – in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and also the statement of a new emblem of the Organization.

Also at the head of OIC Kazakhstan made efforts for inclusion in the agenda of the organization of such vital issues as: political, humanitarian and economic cooperation, fight against terrorism, religious intolerance, gender inequality etc.

Kazakhstan – one of five countries which stood at sources of foundation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Since the beginning of foundation of SCO Kazakhstan actively participates in work of the organization and for 2010-2011 became its chairman.

This list can be continued and to write the monograph on the basis of the carried-out work. On the website of the ministry where the majority above the provided data is taken there is a full list of the countries with the detailed description of political and economic relations. We only selected a little from them, for definition of a part which is assigned to Kazakhstan as to the largest country of Central Asia and the long-term partner.

In the message to the world named as "Manifest. XXIcentury", the Leader N.A. Nazarbayev made huge efforts in creation of dialogue between world powers that is noted in the UN as an immeasurable contribution to the future. In the manifesto the head of state suggests to build complete algorithms of actions of the world community in the following directions.

The FIRST. The consecutive movement to the world which is completely freed from nuclear and other types of weapon of mass destruction.

The SECOND. In the 21st century it is necessary to create geography of a lasting peace, consistently eradicating war as a way of activity.

The THIRD. In the 21st century it is necessary to overcome such rudiment of militarism as existence of the military blocks menacing to global safety and interfering broad international cooperation.

The FOURTH. It is important to adapt the international disarmament process to new historical conditions.

The FIFTH.The world without war is a fair paradigm of the global competition in the sphere of the international finance, trade and development [4].

Recently taken place meeting in Astana is a result of the done work, in a mortgaging of bases of modern diplomacy, in step-by-step establishment of the confidential relations where any wrong move threatens with new calls.

Intervention of Kazakhstan in resolution of conflict between the Syrian authorities and oppositionis undoubtedly the authority and experience on the international stage of the Head of state N.A. Nazarbayev. Respect for his personality and vision of world leaders of the policy which is rather pursued by it as within the country, and beyond its limits.

In the president's letter of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Leader of the nation NursultanNazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Strategy Kazakhstan-2050: the new political policy of the taken place state" of December 14, 2012 is noted a new political policy of the country where "Mangilik El" is the main task of three generations. In the text of the message the Head of state notes need of activization of foreign economic relations:

"Our country has to support further all progressive international initiatives and make the contribution to global safety.

  • Together with all interested partners and our neighbors Kazakhstan will try to obtain the fastest political settlement and restoration of
  • Being an authoritative participant of OIC, Kazakhstan is sincerely interested in peaceful character of process of Middle Eastern It is important that the released energy of a people at large in the Arab-Islamic world was sent to the creative course and served the solution of social and economic problems of the region.
  • We have to approach economically the advancing rates the countries of the Pacific Rim" [5].

On May 20, 2015 in all periodic and the Internet editions was published the text of 100 concrete steps on realization of five institutional reforms. The 85th and 89th steps are devoted to the idea of Mangilik El in the form of a task of creation of the draft of the patriotic act.

The unity of the people of Kazakhstan is based on the general history, cohabitation and activity, tolerant culture, the weighed language policy. Consolidation of all ethnoses in the uniform people of Kazakhstan led to the fact that there was a steady mentality which essence is that all ethnoses, despite cultural, language, etc. distinctions, together build the general house, Kazakhstan – their Homeland [6].

Already today Kazakhstan discusses the new message of the Leader Nation of N. A. Nazarbayev to the people of the country "The third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness" (on January 31, 2017) where it is noted that, since the beginning of 2017 Kazakhstan became the non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, that this year in Astana there will take place the international exhibition "EXPO-2017", in Almaty sports meets within the Universiade-2017 in which more than 2 000 athletes and members of delegations from 57 states participate started. All this is result of the correct political way and high authority of Kazakhstan on the international scene. So Kazakhstan has to carry out further flexible and multilateral diplomatic approach according to national interests – preservation of peaceful partner relationship with neighboring states.

Conclusion.Confident steps of Kazakhstan to foreign policy space is result of titanic efforts of the Head of state and department which is directly responsible for carrying out in life of the chosen course of the country. Trust from the world community in regulation of the conflict between the authorities and opposition of Syria, and how Kazakhstan surely took and carried out the important tasks assigned to it, speak about growth of influence of Kazakhstan which extends not only in the territory of Central Asia now. Though in Astana speaks about success of negotiations still very much early, it is possible to note with confidence that Kazakhstan will use further the best efforts in continuation of peaceful regulation of the conflicts destabilizing a situation in the Asian region.



  1. Reshetnikov V. Political science//the textbook for higher education institutions. Minsk. – 2011. 398 pages.
  2. The concept of foreign policy of RK for 2014-2020 is approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 21, 2014 741 http://mfa.gov.kz/index.php/ru/vneshnyaya-politika/kontseptsiya-vneshnoj-politiki-rk-na-2014- 2020-gg.
  3. Tokayev Under an independence banner: A sketch about foreign policy of Kazakhstan. – Almaty, 1997. - Page 151.
  4. "Manifesto. 21st century". http://www.akorda.kz/ru/speeches/external_political_affairs/ext_other_events/manifest-mir- XXI-vek
  5. The president's letter of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Leader of the nation Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Strategy Kazakhstan-2050: a new political policy of the taken place state" of December 14, 2012 https://strategy2050.kz/ru/multilanguage/
  6. Mangilik Textbook. M. B. Kasymbekov, S. Zh. Praliyev, K. K. Zhampeisova, etc. – Almaty: Ulagat, 2015 – 336 pages.

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