This article discusses the importance of learning English in non-linguistic specialties at university. The knowledge, skills and abilities of future specialists, formed in the process of teaching a foreign language at the university, are the main competence of future specialists for finding a prestigious job and moving up the career ladder in the future. Culture in society depends on the knowledge of languages. Culture upbringing is an important aspect of the educational process. Language and culture are closely related, therefore, the study of foreign languages at the university is of great importance in the process of forming the personality of students. The article also examines the formation of value orientations among students of non-linguistic specialties when teaching English at the university and describes the active methods and techniques of teaching used by teachers to achieve the goals of teaching students a foreign language. The process of teaching foreign languages is the process of forming the linguistic personality of a modern specialist and simply an educated person.
Why do we study foreign languages? Sooner or later, every person asks himself this question. There are thousands Oflanguages in the world, because language is a means of communication in our society. Of all the languages, the most common language is English, the language of international communication. In education, English is the dominant language in the scientific literature and most research is written in English. Many subjects at the university are also taught in English, which is so unimportant for foreign students, as, for example, in our university for students from India. If you turn to the Internet and websites, then almost all the information is also in English. English is very important for travel, business, communication, entertainment, because without knowing the language it is very difficult to exist in the modem world.
Students, of course, want to learn a foreign language, but not everyone wants to work hard. Learning a foreign language requires a lot of systematic work, especially since many students do not have the opportunity to communicate with native speakers. The universities of Kazakhstan are faced with the task of forming the value orientations of an individual, developing his culture, capable of independently making important decisions and successfully working in market conditions.
“Culture is the highest manifestation of human education and professional competence. It is at the level of culture that human individuality can be expressed in the most complete form. ”[1]
Culture and language are closely related, therefore, the study of a foreign language at the university is of great importance. Great people spoke in language: “Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.” (Rita Mae Brown) [2]
The special importance of teaching foreign languages comes off in the light of the policy of trilingualism in Kazakhstan. Our First President touched upon the issue of a phased transition to trilingual education in his message to the people “The third modernization OfKazakhstan: global competitiveness”. “The Kazakh language will retain its dominant position. Much attention will be paid to its further development. At the same time, today English is the language of new technologies, new industries, and a new economy. Currently, 90% of the world's information is created in English. Its volume doubles every two years. Without mastering the English language, Kazakhstan will not achieve national progress. Starting in 2019, some subjects in grades 10-11 will be taught in English. It is necessary to carefully consider this issue and make a reasonable decision on it. ” N.A. Nazarbayev. [3]
In the "State Program for the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020" it is noted that "in order to create an innovative, multilingual model of education, the number of schools providing education in three languages will increase from 33 to 700. Including the number of schools in the network" Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools "will expand from 6 to 20. These schools will become the base platforms for testing the multilingual model of education, innovations in education." [4]
Research methods
For many years, the issue of the formation of value orientations has been the subject of research by leading educators and psychologists. But nevertheless, this problem remains quite relevant at the present time.
The psychological dictionary gives the following definition of value orientations: "Value orientations are a reflection in the consciousness of a person of values recognized by him as strategic life goals and general world outlook guidelines." [5]
In other words, the following definition of value orientations can be given: value orientations are clearly a complex process of personality formation, which is formed as a result of a person's perception of the objects around him and the events occurring in his life that affect people's behavior, the choice Ofinterests and professions.
In the typology of value orientations according to M. Rokich, variants of value systems are distinguished: terminal (values-goals) and instrumental (values-means). [6] The foundations of the formation of value orientations are laid in adolescence, when there is a period of completion of biological maturation, accompanied personality components: character, general and special abilities, worldview. When training specialists at a university, the role of a foreign language in the formation of value orientations of students should also be emphasized. The axiological potential of a foreign language is explored in the works of E.I. Passova, N.E. Kuzovleva and others. It was revealed that the axiological possibilities of the "Foreign language" discipline are manifested, first of all, in the content of didactic materials. Educational materials (textual, visual, etc.) that contain regional geographic information (history, traditions, customs, lifestyle of people), information of aesthetic nature (art, architecture of the countries of the target language), as well as situations, exercises, conversational topics, one way or another revealing the problems of ethics, morality, morality. In addition, learning takes place in a constant comparison a dialogue of cultures, as a result of which an understanding of the values of one's own country and universal values should also occur.
In the course of the study, we came to the conclusion that the effectiveness of the formation of value orientations in future specialists will be ensured subject to a set of pedagogical conditions.
"Conditions are circumstances that determine certain consequences, the occurrence of which prevents some processes or phenomena and favors others." [7]
Pedagogical conditions are understood as the totality of objective possibilities of content, forms, methods and material-spatial environment, aimed at solving the problems posed in pedagogy. [8]
Under the complex of conditions for the formation and development of personality, V.I. Andreev, understands a set of interrelated and interdependent circumstances of the educational process, which are the result of purposeful selection, design and application of content elements, methods or techniques, as well as organized forms of education to achieve certain educational goals. [9]
Results of research
As a result, the formation of value orientations in future specialists is considered by us as a specially planned, organized and controlled by the person and the teacher himself, cognitive activity to determine the system of priority values. The role of the teacher's personality is seen as the main translator of values. The ability of the teacher to make the process of teaching a foreign language axiologically oriented is emphasized: to create a favorable atmosphere in the classroom, which allows you to freely express your feelings and thoughts; evoke the necessary emotional reaction to the subject of discussion; to focus students' attention on the values selected as the goals of the educational process.
Stimulating the cognitive interest of students in mastering knowledge about value systems is ensured through the novelty of the content of the material, the choice of interesting ways of presenting educational material, the introduction of active forms and methods of teaching, encouraging creativity, independence and initiative. In particular, in the classroom, such forms of education as seminars, disputes, business games, presentations, round tables are used, which in turn contributes to the comprehension of their own set of value orientations. At this stage, students' ideas about the significance of values are also formed not only in everyday life, but and in their future professional activities. There is an activation of the value potential of the "Foreign language" discipline, and the classes directly contribute to the introduction of students to various value systems of the scientific world and society as a whole.
Summing up, we can argue that the importance of studying English in non-linguistic specialties at a university is of great importance. The knowledge, skills and abilities of future specialists, formed in the process of teaching a foreign language at a university, are the main competence of future specialists for finding a prestigious job and moving up the career ladder in the future. Culture in society depends on the knowledge of languages. Culture upbringing is an important aspect of the educational process. Language and culture are closely related, therefore, the study of foreign languages at the university is of great importance in the process of forming the personality of students. To form value orientations among students of non-linguistic specialties when teaching English at a university, our teachers use active teaching methods and techniques to achieve goals in the acquisition of knowledge by students. In conclusion, we can say that the process of teaching foreign languages is the process of forming the linguistic personality of a modern specialist and simply an educated person.
- L Гершунский Б.С. Философия образования. - M.: 1998
- 2. Статья: «Высказывания великих людей о языке» [Электронный ресурс] -http ://www.lingvart.ru/interestO 1 .html
- 3. Послание Президента Казахстана «Третья модернизация Казахстана: глобальная конкурентоспособность»[Электронный ресурс]
- http://www.akorda.kz/ru/addresses/addresses_of_president/poslanie-prezidenta-respubliki kazahstan-nnazarbaeva-narodu-kazahstana-3 l-yanvarya-2017-g (г.Астана, 31 января