Higher education in Kazakhstan perform important mission as one of the main national priorities identified by President N.A. NNaazz-arbayev in the country « Kazakhstan ─ 2050» Strategy. A new development paradigm is an additional opportunity to consolidate the strategic guidelines relating to the formation of a new generation of highly skilled professionals with the innovative, creative mindset, developed ideological culture. The successful implementation of educational objectives in the Master’s program depends largely on the variety of forms of training, one of which acts as an elective kurs. The objective of electives is a special orientation of students in the complex offers individual trajectories.
In this context, a special role is played by the technological side of the educational process, which is directly connected with the development of the human personality and the formation of moral values of the community as a whole. In recent decades, the principles of humanism are supporting and working in education, culture and science. The strategy of research university development, which has acquired the status of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, emphasizes the culture that integrates mission through quality, and humanize globalization of knowledge.
Based on this concept, formed strategy departments of the University, based on sustainable development and humanization, the possibility of direct participation in the social dynamics, preservation of identity, values and culture of Kazakh society and the world community as a whole. The main emphasis is deterministic activation of the protection and distribution of a universally accepted, and national values in the strategic objectives of social and ethical solidarity and humanitarian revival that will enhance the quality of education and strengthen its mission in the humanitarian purposes of progress and prosperity.
During the years of independence Kazakhstan have been cardinal changes associated with all aspects of the formation of a democratic society, the establishment of which involves the education of highly moral, educated, harmoniously developed person, capable of creative and active work. The task of education, the most important component of all spheres of society – the training of specialists in different fields, with a wide range of both basic knowledge and personal culture integrated into modern society highly educated person of high moral and civic position, whole spiritual aspect. To this end, the educational program of a number of humanitarian and natural faculties of AlFarabi Kazakh National University introduced an elective course «Kazakh language and literature», the aim of which is related to the direct needs and challenges of today.
Humanities disciplines, which include linguistics and literary studies, are complex structural system, within which other disciplinary paradigms are integrated. Combining science and humanitarian clusters of special educational programs within the elective course seems to be one of the most promising innovative techniques that can harmonize and significantly expand the professional competencies of graduates. The integrative approach in this case concerns the study of language and literature in the material aspect of the adopted Programme «Cultural Heritage» in the country, initiated by the President of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev and carried out by specialists from different sectors and activities. The program, which is the forerunner of many others, contribute to the spiritual and cultural revival of large-scale events – the creation of «a full fund of humanitarian education based on the best achievements of world science, culture and literature» [1], as an integrated system of development of national heritage, revival of classical models and traditions of Kazakh people centuries of national culture to maximize the linguistic sphere. One of the priorities of the discipline is to acquire knowledge of international experience on the issue of environmental heritage, beginning with the «Treaty on the Protection of Artistic and Scientific Institutions and Historic Monuments» («Roerich Pact») [2] and the Hague Convention on the Protection of Cultural Property [3], completing the concept of «ecology of culture», formulated by Academician D. Likhachev [4]. The base foundation course program is based on sections on the totality of the material and spiritual cultural achievements, the national heritage of the Kazakh people, especially – Folklore.
The mentality of the most ancient ethnic groups in Central Asia – Kazakh – formed over thousands of years by the nomadic way of life and general cultural spiritual complex. The originality of the Kazakh culture is manifested in the fact that the core mentality is ancient Kazakh traditions, customs and ceremonies, in addition to which there are also assimilated the cognitive forms of Western cultures.
The course includes the following topics:
- The program «Cultural heritage»: the content, goals and objectives;
- The role of mythology and religion in the development of the spiritual heritage;
- Kazakh oral poetry;
- Features Kazakh material and spiritual culture (traditions and customs);
- Kazakh language and literature in the historical development;
- Humanitarian Education Fund: implementation initiatives.
Material educational complex subjects agreed with the basic directions of training. So, at the Faculty of emphasis on the development of themes related to art biys-speakers with different aspects of verbal culture, most clearly represented in the People’s paremiology, artistic expression of outstanding writers – Abai, Valikhanov, Auezov, Kekilbaev and many others.
On the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty focused on the direct incorporation of specialists in computer science in the development and implementation of the program «Cultural Heritage» in the creation of the information carriers, storage technologies, and dissemination of information, web sites and their content, taxonomy and classification of different kinds of materials. In the Chemistry DDee-partment in preparation of masters specialty «Ecology» in the direction of preparation «Ecology of Culture», where graduates of schools of journalism included, philology, history, international relations, Chemistry, Biology, held a direct preparation for work in the chosen field of environment and above all of the cultural environment. The course material is based on a comprehensive analysis of the art of oral and written texts of both the traditional point of view, and from the standpoint of ethics of the International Humanitarian Law, which contributed to the formation of students’ humanistic system of moral values. This goal is subordinated to the problems of discipline, selection of formal, literary, folkloric, linguistic, philosophical and cultural texts, the formulation of goals and objectives in each section educational complex, historical and legal commentary to the texts, the nature of tasks for independent work of students, the development of guidelines for seminars, examination.
Designing elective course program comes with the following items. The question about the substantial material and forms of work to more fully realize its objectives. A prerequisite is to eliminate duplicate content of the basic course, the provision of educational and auxiliary materials, the definition of the types of work for the implementation of tasks. The main emphasis is placed on the principles of self-reliance and individual initiative is enrolled on the course, which subsequently reflected on the learning outcomes and assessment for the development of the material. The examination of the course of the program must be made at a meeting of the department and methodical councils of faculties where teaching is carried out discipline. The criteria for assessing an elective course program includes the relevance of the content, the validity of the inclusion in the General Education Plan specialty, motivational resource matching the content of stated objectives and goals, the logic of the content and implementation of a variety of ways.
Thus, the integrative approach allows to significantly expand the level of competence of students and undergraduates, improve the ethical role of higher and vocational education, to develop and strengthen the social and humanitarian knowledge in interand transdisciplinary level, thereby contributing to the formation of the personality of students YSU as an equal subject of international communications.
- State of Kazakhstan program «Cultural Heritage» // Оnline resource: http://www.madenimura.kz/ru/
- Agreement on the Protection of Artistic and Scientific Institutions and Historic Monuments: // Roerich Pact. Оnline resource: http://www.icr.su/rus/evolution/pact/
- The Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict // Оnline resource: http:// www. businesspravo.ru/Docum/ DocumShow_DocumID_
- 4 36185.html
- 5 Likhachev D. Ecology of Culture // Jour. Moscow, 1979. – № 7. – S. 173-179.