Every day, each of us hears the broadcast, reads in the newspaper dispassionately-business phrases: «as a result of successive sweeps the destruction of a large number of fighters....», «...explosions again... «. These and similar sayings, referred to a real and not a mythical person, show, on the one hand the inhumane nature of any wars, on the other, that the daily loss of life on the planet, according to a journalist in passing what is, unfortunately, a regular occurrence.
All the views of the person closely associated with the word, with the words. You can use them to portray the picture of reality and to stimulate the activities of the first alarm system, causing the reader vivid images of that at the moment of reading, and later, often identified with real life.
Known to survive in the new market environment and be profitable, the MEDIA are forced to seek such remedies and forms of presentation that can attract a mass audience.
Analysis of the texts of modern print media reveals that along with fine-expressive means carrying out positive tasks periodically appears quite a few publications with a negative assessment of the vocabulary, creating negative emotions: dead body in the bushes, robbing pensioners, the attack on the student and the like are frequent evaluation on disease metaphor of society. Their origins date back to the idea of giving the impression that the society living body with all of its features.
Examples of the use of this image, journalists can be found in any newspaper: «Whether concrete measures have been taken to improve the economy?» (КК.); «The President has put before us sssppeee--cific tasks for the resuscitation of industry» (V.); «What is the main cause of the chronic budget deficit» (N.V.); «It is the transportation problems play havoc with our city so much that you want to have a serious» treatment «(N.V.);»Our ailing economy needs real money «(K.); «Roads-sick theme ....My soul hurts, when food ... (V.); «The situation is such that many businesses either loans or other financial injections will not help» (K.), etc.
The desire to think freely and uninhibited voice their thoughts, leads journalists to find expression. The metaphor is social in nature, is part of the picture of the world, reflected in the public consciousness. Many people know from their own experience that the caustic comments can hurt nothing less than the physical effects. The strategy of discrediting skillfully uses a metaphor based on sensory perception: a political flavour, the pre-election struggle with discernible, etc. In one of the pre-election newspaper materi als read the sentence: «another lunge at the Islands against the main enemy is over there» (A.-R.). Highlighted words reflect the severity of the election struggle and carry a negative charge. The noun «lunge» has the value: «hostile action against anyone anything», and the word «enemy» means: «one who is opposed to what Mr.., is inimical to what Mr..; enemy, adversary» [1, 116]. If you want not to escalate the aggressiveness of the warring parties, the author could soften the perception and dropdown word from synonymous row, respectively: speech, statement, opinion, etc.; the opponent, the opponent, etc. Of course, the phrase does not appear sufficiently spicy and sensational. But it all depends on the talent of the journalist, his skills and the desire to avoid information warfare at the regional level.
Study of a large number of massive newspaper showed that only a few of them go without information on the criminal theme. The only difference is that one is limited to a brief summary of «bad news», and the other dedicated to this theme a few strips. Even the titles of such material are idiosyncratic. The sentence «the killers», «attack on the Bank, «to be scattered and buried», «crash «Saransk», theatre, almost run over by smashing «, «two», «Colonist», «prison» in Swedish, « Ripped belly in court», « Absurdity and murder», «murder and the sentence was upheld, not hunting and killing» are examples of the headers only one room of a popular weekly magazine. Let not publication specializing in criminal news, a newspaper for the general reader. Increasingly, psychologists, researchers, MEDIA, language and style question that use of «black» headers must be related to breaches of professional ethics. In their view, drawing public attention to ugly phenomena of reality, the authors teach the reader involuntarily to a daily, routine adverse effects.
In the competition for newspaper readers are trying to «get around» each other, inventing new forms of journalistic materials. One of the techniques-a conscious departure from the traditional standards of the modern literary language and is used in a variety of stylistic purposes. Wanting to approach writing to speaking, so that it becomes more transparent and understandable to the reader, the authors choose a manner of communication with the reader, where there is a small irony of ironies. Often use slang vocabulary, borrowed from the language of the criminal world and indicating showdown, not excluding
the use and brute force. «Journalist» correspondent Oleg Kuprin arguing about the word «disassembly», concludes: «the new word in everyday life, came to us from slang operatives and clearly demonstrates the criminalization of our communities» [2. 17].
Journalists can also become fashionable to use the word «outrage», which analyses the MEDIA used in different meanings: 1) violation of the moral, legal and economic laws: «many gaps in the legislation. People often mired in lawlessness» (K.);
«What if people see in court only the last straw in a sea of lawlessness» (A.-R.); 2) violation of specific agreements, regulations and prohibitions social behaviour, often a conscious or a demonstrative: «isn’t outrage that money can’t get?» (А.); «The ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH operates improperly. This is a complete outrage» (N.D.); «In the language of civilized business this is called unfair competition. And easier-lawlessness (V.); 3) Arbitrariness, lawlessness: «Mayhem in the market going on all year» (A.-R.); «What was happening to him in the Chamber is a mess!» (N.V.); 4) form of physical aggression, rape, murder: «the car was racing at high speed through the city when it directly on the sidelines flew unhappy victim of lawlessness» (A.); «Bandit lawlessness or unprofessional death?» (К.).
It is clear that, transparency, freedom of opinions, judgments, efficiency-all these are important part of modern journalism. At the same time, cannot but cause concern, when aspiring journalist, yesterday’s student, dispassionately describes all the details of brutal violence against the victim, causes the creepy details of torture, killing, bloody shootouts and dead tells the story of a murder with a degree of cynicism.
Compulsory attendance of such information in the mass publication explains journalists increased public interest in criminal issues. Most often the core of «exciting» materials on this topic is, sadly, a human death. And newspapers are trying to tell the reader about them in every dark detail.
History on delinquences often served in the press with a touch of sentimentality, even romanticism: «last Thursday, two 19-year-old young lady friend have stayed. The hostess girl trustful, excused myself and briefly left their apartment alone. The little ladies did not fail to take advantage of. Fumbling in the cupboards, found and pocketed 92,000 tenge. And the next day had a serious conversation with the investigator of the police» (N.V.).
Often such facts, details and fine detail, the authors serves as a consequence of the interesting coincidence of circumstances, an unexpected turn of events in the author’s narrative: «drama with a pipe in his entrance was greeted by their 40-year-old entrepreneur young stranger. It was last Saturday. Threatening woman piece of iron, the guy took her bag. And then ran away. But ran long. Police detained him after a couple of hours after the crime» (N.V.).
Apparently, to make the material more «alive»,
«readable», the attempt to make the kind of «everyday stories», where style, on the idea of authors, should be exciting, like a description of the fascinating detective stories: «Check the quality of the raspivaemogo alcohol decided last Saturday fortyfour year-old resident city dweller Shahtinsk. In the process of absorption of the «firewater», together with his second wife he has aged and poured the last alcohol and then lit a match and presented it to the woman. Alcohol turned out to be extremely high and immediately broke out. As a result of home-grown chemical-physical experiments pensioner with numerous Burns of varying severity were hospitalized in a local hospital» (V.).
Examples might be too cruel, but they illustrate what may become journalism if it takes humanity, is spirituality. Using this, so called, criminal-entertainment genre household language, vernacular and jargon words, the authors clearly proud of their «light» style. A detailed description of the technology crime, violence and killings, publishing closeup photos of mutilated corpses, instrumentalities, relishing the details describing a particular cruelty of maniacs, contributes to the increase in brutality and aggression in society. It condemned all over the world.
In an interview to AIF Kazakhstan Bakhyt Kenzheev poet who lives in Montreal, shares his impressions about our press: «you open a newspaper: child-killers, drug addicts, thieves and slaves of passions of ... On American TV in the news never shows the launch of a new blast furnace, and show the first killings, rape and the courts, that is, the scandals of ... However, in the post-Soviet journalism seamy side, perhaps, far more than in the West. Some crime-reporters there and necessarily indicate lying dead. That’s not good. Children can see. On American television you will not see the corpses littering. They are neatly covered with a bag. So it’s a question of professionalism» [4, 4].
Verbal aggression is not less dangerous than physical, as in the word, in its transferred meaning, can manifest the latent hostility, malevolence. The concentration of «aggressive» language in the modern media, according to psychologists, is proof of the aggressiveness of the society.
The need for a humanistic-oriented mass media activity in question is not a nobody. One of the most famous heart surgeons Renat Akchurin in the world writes: «Need to set people on a positive footing. What we influence on TV? Rather than attempting to describe the bus disaster in Brazil, killing six Brazilians, it is better to send a correspondent to regions, showed a grandfather who gave birth to a son in old age. Without such support, the population is experienced all the more and more pessimism, which no one needs, neither the State nor us, ordinary people» [5, 4].
One of the principles of journalistic activities, expressed in resolution 4-th European Conference of Ministers responsible for policies in the field of «Journalistic freedoms and human rights» (Prague, 1994, 7-8 December), is discouraging any violence, hatred and discrimination.
The media should help the reader navigate the ever-changing world. The media should help people to hear each other. Journalism must be humane.
- Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Y. Dictionary of Russian language. Russian Academy of Sciences. Russian Language Institute.
- V.V. Vinogradov – 4th ed. – M .: Azbukovnik, 1999. – 944 p.
- Kuprin O.A. Compromising as a genre of Russian journalism. Journalist. – №1. – P. 17.
- Kenzheev B. Arguments and facts. 2004. – №13. – P. 4.
- Akchurin R. Arguments and Facts. 2005. – №5. – P. 4. Abbreviations of names of news papers
- A. – »Aviatrek» K. – »Konkretno »
- A.-R. – »Aviatrek-Region» N.D. – »Nashe delo»
- V. – »Vzglyad» N.V. –»Novi’y vestnik»