There issues of development of modern higher professional education in the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the world requirements persists. Today, in the course ooffrreevviieewwiinnggtthh-erequirementstothecontentofeducationgrowstheurgencyoftheproblemofinformatization of the teaching process.
In the section of his address to the people of the Republic, called «Socio-economic modernization – main direction of development of Kazakhstan», delivered on January 27, 2012, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan has noted: «The introduction of advanced techniques and technologies in the process of teaching helps to improve the quality of work of the teaching staff, provides the creation of the independent system of professional development, it is necessary to expand the access to education for young people. The young people need to be not only taught, but also provided with the possibilities for the use of their knowledge in the process of social adaptation. Another important area of improving the human potential is providing quality and availability of medical services, to promote a healthy lifestyle» [1]. Consequently, the ability of future specialists to adjust to changes in society, using their knowledge as a guide for the formation of the personal qualities is the task of every teacher.
Increasing interest of the students to the learning process at the Kazakh language lessons, formation of their deep thinking activity is implemented through the use of new technologies.
Currently, a great importance is given to the multi-faceted development of an individual, which attaches to the issue of comprehensive development of students’ modern education. Students possessing developed cognitive skills obtain possibilities to search for information independently, to acquire new knowledge more extensively. This will increase the value of the quality of knowledge. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the formation of the cognitive activity of students during the lessons, development of their knowledge, skills, abilities, efforts and etc.
Cognition is the process of the development of new knowledge of the people, the wealth of spiritual growth. Any lesson is aimed at the implementation of the cognitive action, at improving outlook, leading to the formation of point of view on life. Moreover, the extent of the formation of students’ cognitive competence in the process of performing different tasks depends on the level of their ability to work independently.
The theory of cognition concerns about the world around us, explores the basic forms, laws and methods of knowledge. The theory of knowledge plays a great role in in the process of teaching. The mastering of new knowledge by the students is a very complicated cognitive process. Thus, this process influences the students’ senses, and consequently, forms the concept of consciousness as a result of the motivation of the students to learn the reality.In the process of cognition the student strives to study and think deeply, tries to understand the phenomena of the world. Students’ cognitive activity requires perception, imagination, and memory, as well as the ability to cognize the complexity of reality, which is crucial for the work implemented in this direction.
There are two ways of cognition. These are the sensory cognition and rational (based on consciousness, thought, reason) cognition.
In the nineteenth word of wisdom of Kazakh poet Abay it is stated: «A child is not born a reasonable being. It is only by listening and watching, examining everything by touching and tasting, that it learns what is good and what is bad. The more a child sees and hears, the more it knows. One may learn a good deal by listening to wise men. It is not enough to be endowed with a brain-only by hearing and memorising the teachings of the learnt and by avoiding vices one can grow up a complete person» [2,42]. Looking at these words, we can see that Abay is a carrier serious thought, knowledge and a multifaceted poet.
Teachers, psychologists, and methodists have expressed their views on the findings related to the concept of cognitive activity and formation of cognition.
The comments made in connection with the formation of cognitive and creative activity in the processofstudy, thewaysandthemeansofincreasing the activity of the educational process can be found in the works of outstanding scientists such as I. Altynsarin, J.A. Komensky, N.A. Polovnïkova, T.I. Shamova, R.S. Umarova, A.E. Abylkasymova, T.S. Sabirov, etc.At the same time valuable comments in the works of F. Bacon, M. Mantel, J. Locke, I. Kant,
Komensky consider these tools as a means of improving the cognitive behavior and the activity of the students.
Asoneofthefoundingfathersofcognitiveactivity, one of the first great teachers Y. A. Komensky who laid the foundation for the development of teaching methods noted: «It is essentially important to get
to the roots of the original object or phenomenon, to develop the deterministic ability, being able to understand and use it».In addition M. Zhumabayev, Kazakh teacher and scientist, clearly shows the need to get an education and the need of self-study while shifting from simple to complex in the process of teaching.
Menzhanova notes that knowledge and learning cannot be considered as a whole. She continues her thought as follows: «A human being duringtheprocessoflearningdiscoversnewfactsand interconnections, and mutual dependancies of the objective world.And students learn the knowledge discovered by science in the educational process. The process of cognition requires a long-term indepedent search, generalization of information, thus, training will be easier under the guidance of a teacher, the teacher explains the information for self-analysis [3,81]. Consequently, the teacher on a regular basis forms the educational skills, abilities, creativeness of the future specialists. In oder to do this, the teacher uses innovative teaching methods and to a certain extentcontrols the students’ cognitive activity. As teaching is the special kind of cognition, knowledge obtained in this direction opens the way for the formation the students’ oouutt-look on the world.
Each lesson has its own specifics. Disclosure of the theme of each lesson and a variety of work directed on this exact theme increases the contentrichness of the lesson. The organization of day-today classroom teaching activities, development processes should be implemented simultaneously.The result and the importance of the lesson is reflected in the activity of each student in the class. The planned construction of the lesson stimulates the interest of the students to the discipline, improves their creative abilities and motivates them to active participation to the class.
For the development of cognitive abilities of students can be used such active methods of work as teaching through games, discussion, individual and group work. A.B.Aytbaeva in her book «New educational technology» notes that games can be used at all levels of development of the knowledge as well as: «The goal of the gaming eduational technology is teaching students to study their motives, their own behavior, understand their actions, objectives and programs for the future development and prediction of the results of their activities.The games have a raw of functions: didactical, informative, teaching, developmental, educational, and etc. If we call all the games as cognitive instruments we will not make a mistake» [4.26] Consequently, we can see that games play an important role in the process of the development of students’ cognitive abilities.
Depending on the theme of the lesson for the development of cognitive competence can be organized different types of games. The games on different themes expand the horizons of the students’ cognition and develops their communication activity. For example,for the development of students’ cognitive activity and creative abilities at the lessons of the Kazakh language lessons can be organized games on the following themes: «A trip to the planet of knowledge», «A space of intellectuals», and etc. Cognitive activity is the special reflection of the student’s motivation for studying, learning, and searching for new knowledge.
The development of students’ cognitive competence, stimulating them to find their own solutions to the problems is the main task of any teacher. And the most important factors for improving the effectiveness of the lesson include explaining the deep theoretical material, individual work with each student, independent work of each student, efficient use of facilities and other visual aids.
Cognitive activity is implemented on the basis of the need for action. The student endeavors to cognize the world in order to fulfill his life and spiritual needs. At this point, the student’s interests and values are closely related. For instance, a student is interested in what is important and valuable for him. As the future specialist is interested in the subject chosen by him, he tries to learn more about the subject. In recent years, students choose their own subjects in the process of education.
In order to increase the cognitive interest of students in the classroom, it is essential to make them familiar with the literature related to their specialty, to ecourage their preparation of reports related to their future professions. Also they are given a task to overview the latest news in the sphere of medicine, and prepare a thematic text in Kazakh language. Through this increases the interest of the students towards their profession. Increasing interest of the students is the main driving force of the cognitive activity. While educating students, for the development of their cognitive interest are implemented works in the following areas:
- development of new forms, tools and methods of organization of the students’ cognitive activity;
- basing on the latest achievements in science and technology, using the new structure of the content of education;
- organization of the work on a certain theme for self-education;
- ensuring good results of the relationship between the teacher and the student.
With the help of new technologies used for teaching grammatical materials and lexical themes the teacher develops students’ language skills, builds their vocabulary, communicative and practical skills, develops creative abilities, improves their educational and cognitive activity, teaches them how to express their own views.
It is obvious that today’s students are our tomorrow’s future. Therefore, they play a huge role in the bright future of our state. The Kazakhani President Nursultan Nazarbayev in his address «Kazakhstan 2050 Strategy: a new political course ofsuccessful country», has mentioned that the modernization of teaching methods and the active development of online education systems, the domestic introduction of innovative methods and tools in the education system has to be thoroughly considered [5.5-6].Also, he has mentioned the need to introduce into secondary and higher education curricula the priorities of practical skills and gaining practical qualifications». Therefore, for the development of content of the education system on a national basis new organizational objectives are being set.
In conclusion, the students’ ability to use the obtained knowledge and skills, ability to solve some theoretical and practical problems in everyday lifeis the main modern requirement for the education. Therefore, the formation and development of cognitive competence of students at the lessons of the Kazakh language is very important.
Providing students with professional guidance, strengthening education and training in each the field will remain one of the crucial issues of teaching any of the disciplines in the process of modern education.
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