One of the basic functions of education is preparation of students for life. This function in 21st century may be participation in an information rich society, where knowledge is regarded as the main source for socio-cultural and politico-economical development of countries and nations. Information rich societies are developed and dominating and they are controlling the information throughout the world. Information encompasses and relies on the use of different channels of communication, presently called information and communication technologies and would be incorporating better pedagogical methods to cope with such emerging situations. Educating youth is educating our nation. The research work is dedicated to the widely studied branch of our educational system – learning foreign languages.
It is rare to find a language class that does not use some form of technology.
Recently we often ask question about using the new information technologies in Higher Educational Establishment. The main task of teaching foreign languages (FL) is forming and developing communicative culture of students, teaching practical using foreign languages.
«Teacher’s task consists of creating conditions of practical using language for each student, choosing such method of teaching to allow students to show their activity, their creativity.
Teacher’s task is to activate students’ perceiving activity in the process of teaching foreign languages. Contemporary pedagogical technologies such as teaching in cooperation, project method, using new informational technologies; Internet resources help to realize personal orientational approach in teaching, support individualization and differentiation of teaching in calculation with students abilities, their pre-higher educational preparation level, inclination and etc. «according to E. Polat. Informational technologies contribute to increase academic motivation of teaching FL and advance students’ knowledge. Using computer during English lessons increase significantly academic process intensivity. Computer teaching assimilates a large amount of material, than it was acquired using traditional teaching conditions. Besides material in using computer is acquired more substantially. Computer supplies multisupporting, that is current, intermediate, total academic process control. Computer supplies multisupporting control of academic process that is current intermediate, total. Using the computer control of quality students’ knowledge to achieve the large objectiveness of valuation. Besides, computer control considerably economizes academic time, as it checks students’ knowledge simultaneously.
Internet suggests different informations and resources to their users. Basic collection of services may include:
- e-mail;
- Usenet;
- video conference;
- possibility to publish own information, to create own homepage and to advertise it on webserver;
- access to informational resources;
- reference books (Yahoo! InfoSeek/Ultra Smart, LookSmart, galaxy);
- searching systems (Alta Vista, HotBob, Open Text, WebCrawler, Excite);
- chat.
These resources maybe actively used at the English lesson. Computer teaching programs have many advantages before traditional method of teaching. They allow to train different kinds of speaking activities and their different combinations, to help to perceive language phenomena, to form linguistic abilities, to make communicative situations, to automatize language and speaking actions, and also supply an ability of control leading representative system, realization of individual approach and intensification of students’ individual works.
Example of work with computer program dialogues one is chosen, for example «In cafe». Some pictures are displayed on the scenes, scenes of this dialogue.
I – stage – introduce with dialogue II – stage – to learn dialogue
In case there are some computers students work in pairs or group of people. They revise phrases after speaker, routine work can be used with microphone. They may also do exercises to form these sentences with a group of words, for example: like, lyke, what, you, wood, your, yu, would. Then teacher directs a point to a necessary word, clicks the mouse to make up a sentence What would you like?and etc. quantity of right sentences are displayed on the screan. In this way, student acquires orthography and learn dialogue using games.
III. – stage – to scene the dialogue.
Students make up dialogues using picture, then scene it individually.
Next stage is a control of dialogue speech after learning all dialogues. Students choose a card with task (teacher herself prepares cards with the description of situations) and make up their own dialogue using lexics of this program and displaying their own fantasy.
Learning foreign languages is impossible to imagine without the use of multimedia learning tools. Of course, important tasks for the methodology of teaching foreign languages include providing opportunities to illustrate the actual process of communication in English, and creating an educational environment that provides real conditions for learning use of the target language and its culture.
The 21st century, often called the information age, is bringing about changes to the traditional teaching of language. The use of computer technology in teaching in our time is of great importance, thanks to its new possibilities. The introduction of new information and communication technology expands access to education, forming an open education system, and changes the idea of the qualifications needed by modern graduate students [1].
The most significant group of benefits is teaching the virtues of computer-based training. For example, teachers use the ability of computers to react instantly to input information to create simple training programs in the form of exercises. The technical advantage of teaching English with the help of multimedia technology is that sound cards allow users to record their speech and then compare it with the pronunciation of native speakers. Graphics capabilities of computers can represent any type of activity in the form of pictures or animation. This is particularly important when learning new vocabulary, as images on the monitor allow students to associate English phrases directly with actions, rather than with phrases in their native language. Moreover, the media are an excellent means of interactive communication between different linguistic groups, which is particularly evident in the application of computer networks. This could be a local area network connecting several machines in one school, or the Internet – a global network of millions of users [2].
These advantages allow us to conclude that multimedia learning has great potential for teaching oral speech in other languages. Through the optimal combination of a number technology (language laboratory, video, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, bibliographies, and phones) and having additional features (interactivity, graphics capabilities, etc.), multimedia learning provides almost limitless opportunities for teaching and learning.
Multimedia technology acts as a special intellectual activity, which means it has a number of advantages compared with other information technology training:
- The pedagogy means continuous improvement of content and methods of education in modern conditions.
- Provides opportunities to identify and support students with linguistic abilities.
- Represents the basis of distance learning.
- Provides access to best practices in education and training of the general public through the educational world of the Internet and an extensive communication network.
- Creates an artificial language environment, allowing the study of foreign languages (FL) at students’ own pace, increasing the independence and responsibility of students when organizing FL training for all age groups. Allows building FL training in accordance with student interests and goals, and allows students to enter into training in the intercultural component of FL.
- Multimedia technology is new and apparently has limitless possibilities for creation of means of graphic clarity.
Multimedia (computer with additional devices) can be a powerful tool for everyone to learn foreign languages through self-study, and allow close monitoring and ongoing operational support [3].
Along with positive aspects, there are some negative trends affecting the mass creation and implementation of multimedia technology in the learning process. These include:
- Lack of ability of existing education systems to make active use of multimedia technology, and to integrate it into the educational process and its organization;
- Lack of qualified developers;
- Lack of a developed methodology of multimedia technology;
- Lack of financial resources for the creation and widespread adoption of multimedia technology;
- The device is not designed evaluation.
In order to introduce multimedia technology in the learning process, it is first necessary to create conditions for sound pedagogical and methodological application of multimedia technology. The integration of the Internet in education and, in particular, its use in the teaching of foreign languages, is now quite relevant.
Currently, most schools and universities in our country are equipped with multimedia rooms for English language learning. These rooms have computers, projectors and interactive whiteboards [10].
The Internet is one of the most powerful tools for teachers to help students collaborate, interact and participate actively in the learning process. However, the wealth of available resources may cause confusion among students and discourage them from participating, if they are not given the necessary guidelines. When students are faced with thousands of Internet sources they cannot effectively handle such large amounts of information. One of the most important tasks for teachers is to assist their students so that they can discover what they enjoy most according to their level of linguistic competence. Teachers are also responsible for the evaluation of all the web tools offered.
- Robert I.V. Modern information technologies in education. – Moscow: School Press, 1994. – 215 p.
- Polat E.S. New teaching and information technology in the education system. – Moscow: Education, 2000. – P. 45–46.
- Jumanova L., Tulegenova M. Innovative Technologies in Learning Foreign Languages. In Young Scientist USA, Vol. 2. – Auburn, WA: Lulu Press, 2015. – P. 61.