
Sprache ist Teil unserer persönlichen Identität. Die vielen Sprachen, die von 500 Millionen den Bürgern der Europäischen Union gesprochen werden sind in einem großen Mosaik über Europa verteilt. Die Europäische Union erkennt das Recht auf Entfaltung der Persönlichkeit an und fördert gleichzeitig-parallel zu ihren Bemühungen um eine stärkere Integration ihrer Mitgliedstaaten — das Recht der Bürger, in ihrer Muttersprache zu sprechen und zu schreiben. Diese beiden komplementaeren Ziele sind der greifbare Ausdruck des Leitspruchs der Union „In Vielfalt geeint».

Politics of modern higher education in Kazakhstan is determined by the practical activities of higher education institutions and their integration with science and industry. To enhance the practical orientation of the educational programs of universities the proportion of professional practice is increasing, as the educational activity plays a crucial role in the development of competitive specialists — teachers of foreign languages.

Mоst trаditionаl EFL tеxtbооks hаvе mоdulеs dеsignеd tо incrеasе vоcаbulаry stоrеs. Althоugh thеrе аrе mаny diffеrеnt tеchniquеs fоr tеaching vоcаbulаry, it cаn bе diffiсult fоr studеnts tо еffеctivеly incrеasе thеir stоck оf nеw wоrds thrоugh mаinstrеam аpproаchеs; nеw wоrds аre mоst оftеn simplу аcquirеd thrоugh usе. In this rеspеct, it is sоmеwhаt similаr tо dеvеlоping rеading skills. Whаt I hаvе dеcidеd to fоcus оn hеrе thоugh is mаintаining аnd еxpаnding thе studеnts' vоcаbulаry аs thеy hаvе a fаir аbility tо еxprеss thеmsеlvеs, hаvе a gооd grаmmаticаl knоwlеdgе аnd аrе rеаsоnаbly cоmpеtеnt in skills wоrk аnd еspеciаlly rеаding, еxpаnding thеir vоcаbulаry cаn hеlp thеm nоticеаbly.

Stable and dynamically developing society can be built only by up-to-date educated people, able flexibly and cleverly react on the constant changes, possessing developed sense of responsibility for their destiny and destiny of the country. Thus, the leading development of secondary and professional schools is becoming the necessary condition of bringing up of such stuff. And for its realization the government needs to think out strategy oriented policy in sphere of education. One of the major role in this process must play Universities as key element of system of professional education. Existing in Europe more than 900 years and in Kazakhstan about 90 years the Universities made outstanding contribution in the development of civilization and formation of modern science. Universities can be referred to the etalon centers of culture promoting saving and developing of diversity of cultural achievement of mankind.

Eine zweite Sprache oder noch weitere Sprachen gebrauchen zu können, ist für viele Menschen eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Ungerechtfertigterweise wird mit dem Begriff «Spracherwerb» gemeinhin vor allem der Erstspracherwerb assoziiert, als handele es sich beim Zweitspracherwerb um eine in einer bestimmten Hinsicht sekundäre Manifestation der menschlichen Sprachfähigkeit [1]. Ein nicht gleichbedeutender, aber dazu passender Irrtum besteht darin, den Erwerb einer zweiten Sprache von vornherein als immanent problematischen, im Vergleich zum Erstspracherwerb weitaus mühevolleren Lernprozess zu betrachten, dessen Ausgang geradezu zwangsläufig in einer defizitären zielsprachlichen Kompetenz bestehen müsse. Die für Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich so niederschmetternden Ergebnisse der PISA [2] und IGLU-Studie [3], die gerade auch mehrsprachigen Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund beunruhigend schlechte Leistungen bescheinigen und dies zu einem großen Teil auf sprachliche Defizite zurückführen, haben zusätzlich dazu beigetragen, diese weit verbreitete zurückhaltende Einstellung zum Zweitspracherwerb zu zementieren. Dass die unzureichende Beherrschung der Zweitsprache Deutsch die dokumentierten schulischen Misserfolge [4] wesentlich bedingt, soll natürlich nicht bestritten werden, ebenso wenig die Tatsache, dass viele Migrantenkinder zum Zeitpunkt der Einschulung nicht in der Lage sind, dem deutschsprachigen Regelunterricht zu folgen. Das haben Sprachstandserhebungen u. a. in Berlin, Essen und Niedersachsen [5, 6] Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Sport deutlich gemacht. Zu behaupten, Kinder lernten eine sie in ihrer Lebensweltumgebende zweite Sprache automatisch und immer mühelos, hieße, die Augen vor der Realität zu verschließen [7].

The given article explores the changes in the educational system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which require usage of new informational technologies at lessons of foreign languages. Innovations in the education are necessary conditions of its development in accordance with changing requirements of the society. It was made an attempt to reveal essence of introduction of pupils’ video presentations and to prove importance of its’ usage at lessons of foreign languages.

The article is devoted to the issue of creative thinking in foreign language teaching. Considered the issue if interaction of creative and critical thinking. Discussed some methods of formation of creative thinking, suggested by psychologists and methodologists and also presented examples of using these methods in teaching foreign languages.

In the social sciences and humanities gender equality is associated with the organization of gender education and gender studies. In this connection there is a need for detection of features of the organization of gender education. The article highlights the trend of gender education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. For their study, the author analyzes the concept of «gender education», analyzes a number of factors that influence the effec- tiveness of gender education and experience in the development of gender education in the Republic of Ka- zakhstan: the functioning of non-governmental organizations, the creation of Internet-resources, availability of scientific research in the field of gender studies, activity programs gender international and national levels, publication of literature on gender education.

In the article, there are some questions to help teachers in primary school on effective use of didactic games in their activity. The importance of article is in wide use of the developed system of games, occupations and actions in pedagogical activity of teachers in primary school. This article can be interesting for teachers who are looking for the ways to improve quality of their work, determine the most appropriate working methods to increase the efficiency of educational process. Undoubtedly, for these teachers experience represent a certain interest. 

To develop scientific literacy, students need to gain knowledge of science content and practice scientific habits of mind. This is impossible without knowledge of science vocabulary. While teaching students of nonlinguistic specialties a teacher faces to the problem of working out effective methods that can allow acquiring scientific vocabulary, including the main notions of this specialty, as soon as possible. This article shares research-based strategies for science vocabulary instruction that are effective for all students, including English language learners.

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science