Статьи, год 2012

The article presented the state of production and use of asbestos in Kazakhstan and the EECCA region. Discussion on potential health risks of asbestos production and use, including NGO recommendation for action. According the WECF \EcoForum partnership project «Civil Society and Sound Hazardous Waste Management in Kazakhstan» and High-Level Conference «Asbestos and POPs — policies and practices in Kazakhstan and the European Union» was identify next steps and recommendations to develop a strategy on asbestos in Kazakhstan and Kazakhstan’s position regarding Rotterdam Convention. 

One of the most relevant, important and controversial problems of public life, politics and morality is abortion. The abortion and leading position in the structure of reproductive losses and the health of women of childbearing age is medico-social and contested issue in nowadays. Abortion as a whole remains the traditional method of regulation of reproductive behavior. Artificial abruption of life is a fundamental problem of human being, increasing interest in the article. This paper examines the effects that significantly impairs the reproductive system and serious complications for women's reproductive function after abortion, including maternal mortality. Showing prevention and solutions.

Eine zweite Sprache oder noch weitere Sprachen gebrauchen zu können, ist für viele Menschen eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Ungerechtfertigterweise wird mit dem Begriff «Spracherwerb» gemeinhin vor allem der Erstspracherwerb assoziiert, als handele es sich beim Zweitspracherwerb um eine in einer bestimmten Hinsicht sekundäre Manifestation der menschlichen Sprachfähigkeit [1]. Ein nicht gleichbedeutender, aber dazu passender Irrtum besteht darin, den Erwerb einer zweiten Sprache von vornherein als immanent problematischen, im Vergleich zum Erstspracherwerb weitaus mühevolleren Lernprozess zu betrachten, dessen Ausgang geradezu zwangsläufig in einer defizitären zielsprachlichen Kompetenz bestehen müsse. Die für Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich so niederschmetternden Ergebnisse der PISA [2] und IGLU-Studie [3], die gerade auch mehrsprachigen Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund beunruhigend schlechte Leistungen bescheinigen und dies zu einem großen Teil auf sprachliche Defizite zurückführen, haben zusätzlich dazu beigetragen, diese weit verbreitete zurückhaltende Einstellung zum Zweitspracherwerb zu zementieren. Dass die unzureichende Beherrschung der Zweitsprache Deutsch die dokumentierten schulischen Misserfolge [4] wesentlich bedingt, soll natürlich nicht bestritten werden, ebenso wenig die Tatsache, dass viele Migrantenkinder zum Zeitpunkt der Einschulung nicht in der Lage sind, dem deutschsprachigen Regelunterricht zu folgen. Das haben Sprachstandserhebungen u. a. in Berlin, Essen und Niedersachsen [5, 6] Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Sport deutlich gemacht. Zu behaupten, Kinder lernten eine sie in ihrer Lebensweltumgebende zweite Sprache automatisch und immer mühelos, hieße, die Augen vor der Realität zu verschließen [7].

The given article explores the changes in the educational system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which require usage of new informational technologies at lessons of foreign languages. Innovations in the education are necessary conditions of its development in accordance with changing requirements of the society. It was made an attempt to reveal essence of introduction of pupils’ video presentations and to prove importance of its’ usage at lessons of foreign languages.

The article is devoted to the issue of creative thinking in foreign language teaching. Considered the issue if interaction of creative and critical thinking. Discussed some methods of formation of creative thinking, suggested by psychologists and methodologists and also presented examples of using these methods in teaching foreign languages.

Nowadays, tourism is one of the most profitable businesses in the world, using about 7 % of the world's capital, tourism is firmly took the third place after the export of petroleum, petroleum products and automo- biles. According to expert estimates, in 2005, tourism should be on the first place in this sector of the economy and every eighth person will be busy with tourism in the world.

Venture capital is an significant source of funding for start-up and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that have a limited operating history. There is no access to capital markets for SMEs. A venture capital firm (VC) typically looks for new and small businesses with a perceived long-term growth potential that will result in a large payout for investors. The formation and growth of small and medium sized enterprises is recognized as one of the most important factors for economic growth. Access to equity capital (Venture capital) is often emphasized as a critical conditions for SMEs and new venture start-ups to be able to pursue growth opportunities.

Kazakhstan tourism industry’s development prospects are highly dependent on increase of governmental regulation of tourism sector on the national level, which must be combined with a modern promoting strategy of regional tourism products. Over the past decade has seen increased interest from the government to the tourism industry. This is confirmed by the following facts:

In this paper the current state of the development of sports tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan was shown. Statistical analysis of the main indicators of the development of sports tourism in the country was shown, in particular the number of sports organizations and institutions, the staff of sports tourism, the number of sports facilities and ski resorts were shown. Regionally reflect the development potential of sports tourism in Kazakhstan — denotes the number of people regularly engaged in physical culture and sports.

In the past decade, many transitional countries, especially Russia, have experienced merging of criminals, state officials, businesspersons and law enforcements into a network for mutual financial and economic benefits. Their operations led to the fundamentally new phenomenon — the organized corrupt network, a symbiosis of the developed forms of corruption at all administrative levels, organized and economic crimes.

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science