
The classroom interaction between mentor (teacher) and mentee (can­ didate teacher) plays an important role in teaching and learning process in all parts of education at all grades. Problem solving and problem posing are also important elements in learning and teaching process. All problems that you encounter first and you don’t know how to solve them. The aim of the study here to explores and describes how mentor –mentee interaction develops the abilities of problem solving and problem posing. Research on the study with prospective mathematics and English teachers from Su­ leyman Demirel University is measured quantitively by using likert scale instrument. The results indicate that the regular and effective interactions with mentors and mentee give more positive significances in the problem solving and problem posing situations.

The given article deals with the ways of abbreviation word build­ ing in electronic correspondence on the material of the English language. E­correspondence refers to the means of communication realized by the exchange of electronic written messages. Written messages can be of dif­ ferent types, ranging from conventional standard emails and ending with the posts on the personal pages of social network Facebook or captions to photos in Instagram. Each of the types of electronic exchange of written communications has its own unique characteristics, but there is a linguistic feature which brings together all kinds. Consistent use of abbreviations such as acronyms can be observed.

The article deals with the problems of anthropocentric paradigm and the use of its principles in different scientific fields, especially in linguis­tics. The article covers different principles and points of views of scientists concerning interrelationship between the language and human existence. On the basis of continuity of theoretical­cognitive paradigm of research of modern linguistics with traditional research was revealed the fact that the complex research in anthropocentric direction according to the needs of contemporary science is the main problem at present. The article also deals with human factor and spiritual values of a nation. It contains infor­ mation about the nature of the Kazakh nation, their world outlook, their cultural and cognitive concepts representing their cultural peculiarity.

Islamic literature influenced the Turkish immediately after embracing Islam. As a result of that, some Islamic terms such Allah, Muhammad, faith, destiny paradise, hell etc. took place in Turkish idioms and proverbs. This article deals with the meaning of some selected Turkish idioms that con­ tain the name of Allah Who is the creator of whole universe. In addition, the article tries to demonstrate the root of some Turkish idioms based on Holy Quran and Tradition of Muhammad (p.b.u.h.). Finally, this research indicates the literal and metaphorical meaning of Turkish idioms with ex­ amples.

In this article discusses the features of animal image creation in Ka­ zakhstan scientist­naturalist, writer M. Zverev’s work «White deer» as an example of animal genre novel and its correlation with the other works of Kazakh and world literature. It is generalized accumulated scientific ex­ perience in the field of typological studies of animalistic imagery. Also it is established that the animal genre is based primarily on a good knowl­ edge of domestic and wild animals’ natural features, their «psychology», the special position of the author, the general humanistic orientation of the work. As part of a deep analysis M. Zverev’s story, it was proved that while creating animalistic image writer depicts not just a single episode in the life of a deer, but traces the whole life of animal in a chronological order. The life story or some facts from the animal life is the main sign of genre structure of animalistic works, the animal’s image which should embody its natural essence. Decisive importance in the main character, a white deer, creation has author’s narration, which includes animal’s appearance and behavior description, organically synthesizing scientific and artistic begin­ ning. On the basis of the above it is made a conclusion that M. Zverev’s work characterized by a combination of elements of documentary, fiction and non­fiction prose.

The maximum success in modernization of the higher educational system in PK can be achieved in case all program directions of the Gov­ ernment placed into educational policy take all the best possible from positive potential of the US higher educational system in main directions: qualitative selection of school­leavers, qualitative teaching staff, high level of organizing of teaching process, finance provision, development of the infrastructure of the university.

Modern Kazakh society is actively integrating into the global con­ science, expanding worldwide socio­economic, political and cultural con­ nections. In connection with this, the question of specialized, particularly legal, translation is of particular importance due to its instrumental role in the establishment of international relations, which hinge on legal organiza­ tion and professionally trained specialists who are able to, depending on the situation, actively switch from one language to another. The article deals with phrasal verbs, which are actively used within legal literature. These verbal constructions, consisting of a verb and a postposition, are idiomatical lexical units characteristic only of the English language. As a result of the research, the most frequently used phrasal verbs used in legal literature in English were identified. While working with the British Na­ tional Corpus (BNC) as well as with the Corpus of Contemporary Ameri­ can­English (COCA) it was revealed that the quantity of phrasal verbs used in legal literature in English has been growing steadily. Linguistic particu­ larities, which may complicate the phrasal verb translations from English to Russian, were brought to light based on analysis regarding dictionary definitions and translational equivalents.

The article is about the great poet of the Kazakh people Abai Kunan­ baev’s creative connection with the Russian literature. The influence of Rus­ sian poetry is thoroughly analyzed in the poems of the author. Abai Ku­ nanbaev translated poems of Russian poets. This shows his contribution to the Kazakh poetry. The ways of improvement and achievement of author’s works are considered in the article. M. Auezov states that Lermontov’s lyrics has here enormous influence on Abai. This was Abai’s first poem where he changed rhythm of each line, syllable division immensely, sometimes his poems consist of four­five words, even there are moments when one word makes one line. We can also see that Russian literature’s a profound impact on Abai’s poem «When a shadow lengthens». According to М.Auezov this poem takes a special place among those written with a realistic tradition. The author depicts four seasons and tries to connect them with his feelings. It is normal that Russian’s literature affected Abai’s translations.

The article describes a method of working with text on specialty at the sentence level. Two ways of the sentence analysis are suggested – «from the form – to the meaning» and «from the meaning – to the form». The first direction is understanding of the sentence meaning through a model. De­ pending on the communicative task, different meaning­speech situations are created in the scientific text, which are expressed by certain structural and semantic models. The second way – «from meaning» – is identification of the sentence semantic content with the help of question. The author suggests the following method of work: to find subject and predicate in the sentence; to determine what part of speech expresses the predicate; to formulate a grammatical question to the main word of the combination, which is after the predicate; to write the question down; moving in the opposite direction, to fix the predicate in the question; to fix the subject; to write the question completely and give a brief answer to the question, which will be a semantic center of the sentence.

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science