Статьи, год 2009

Determinants of environmental air pollution of any geographic region consist of both natural and manmade factors. Natural factors affecting the course of air pollution include local landscape and topography, and synoptic and meteorological conditions that determine air flow in the region, and affect the conditions of background air pollution. Anthropogenic factors often constitute the main source of environmental air pollution and include factors such as the location of air pollutant emitting facility, its power level, the distribution of pollution in time and space, the type of air pollution, parameters of air pollutant releasing pipes, the type of air-purification procedure, adopted air pollution thresholds, and the extent of environmental protection measures in place.

Environment and the background made by it are the main factors of active influence on human health. Health is considered as a bond of population health level with body abilities [1]. Numerous researches of population health level bond with various factor impacts convincingly show that the pollution of the environment unfavorably influences on population health. Environment factors play considerable role in population health level as a whole and especially in separate age groups as separate groups and categories of population have different sensitivity to various factor impacts [2].

All over the world the market of a foodstuff is flooded by the goods containing genetically modified organisms. In agricultures of many leading countries-exporters of a vegetative foodstuff and vegetative raw materials, plants with the changed genetic code for a long time already are grows up. Production of new transgene plants as yet one of perspective and most developing directions of biotechnology in agro production sphere [1, 2].

Due to the rapid development of technology, industry, today the problem of the impact of ecology became important, and in particular, the impact of production with its factors on the genetic apparatus of an organism. Therefore, great importance takes the assessment of genotoxicity of the industrial environment with the subsequent development of activities to protect heredity of the person [1–7].

The specific particularities of spontaneous contractive activity of the pre and postnatal lymphatic knots of series of farm animals was discovered and registered one of us for the first time [1]. We established the specific differences of frequency and amplitude descriptions of rhythmic spontaneous contractive activities of knots and lymphatic vessels. It was revealed, that relations of the contractions of afferent lymphatic vessels to frequency of the contractions of efferent lymphatic vessels in somatic lymphatic knots was practically equally [1–3] for all species of animals (sheep, cows, pigs). But this correlation increased for the visceral lymphatic knots of cows and sheep (accordingly 1:8 and 1:6) in comparison with pigs. On the strength of experiment we worked out the conception of general vessels and knots system of the lymph transport, and the local and distant scheme of regulation of spontaneous contractive activity of the lymphatic knots and vessels was determined (pic. 1) [4]. 

All the world is marking the 200 th birthday of Charles Robert Darwin on February 12 th, 2009 and the 150 th anniversary of the publication of his most important work, ‘On the Origin of Species’. Undoubtedly, Darwin’s most important contribution was to evolutionary theory, but among his 25 books, one was devoted to earthworms.

Health is the main wealth of each person. Particularly, greater value presents health of children. It changes in process of the growing and developments. That is why it needs for regularly physician-biological checking for picture of the school children health. The processes of the growing and developments are the common biological characteristic to alive matter. Under development in broad sense of the word follows to understand process quantitative and qualities of the change of the human organisms (Rosinskyi L.X. 1978). Development comprises of itself three basic factors: growing up, changeable of the organism, making forms.

Every day we listen to many different things in many different ways. Whether it is conversation with a colleague, the TV news, or a new music CD, we listen. In our native language at least, we seem to automatically know «how to listen» and «what we are listening for». To language learners, listening is far more challenging.

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Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

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Technical science