The article is devoted to multicultural educational fieldin English classes. The prerequisites for the development of the multicultural educational space are specified in this issue. The priority task of school is examined in the conditions of multicultural educational space. The results of theoretical researches are presented in the field of multicultural educational space. Special attention is paid to the dialogue approach in education. Results emphasize the main indicators of success multicultural educational space. The successful personality integration into the national and world culture is considered from a position of inclusion in the multicultural educational field. Multicultmal educational field is considered as a set of educational systems, within its limit a certain place is assigned, is organized in the way of state system. The main idea of multicultural education filed in English classes is to equip students with the relevant knowledge, to form and develop skills allowing them to actively and productively interact with representatives of different cultures, the primary task of multicultural education is to foster respect for cultural differences and to prepare students for a real life in multicultural educational space. At present, ideas of multicultural educational field penetrate into educational institutions intensively. Through multicultural education, it is proposed to encourage the desire of schoolchildren to acquire knowledge, skills, develop the abilities.
The rapid developing technologies and the modem market is determined the necessity of education. Currently, the process of creating a single educational space is under way, that the main features are the quality, academic mobility, diversity and flexibility of the content of educational programs. Contemporary process of globalization are determined by the efficiency of the formation of a new type of consciousness, a life position as a subject of multicultural society. The successful personality integration into the national and world culture is considered from a position of inclusion in the multicultural educational field.
Educational space is defined as the space during which the national unity of education is preserved. The goal is to provide equal health services, regardless of the place of residence, to preserve the interrelationship of all educational structures. Educational space is defined as the space on which one or another system of educational institutions is operated - in their relationships and interactions.
Multicultural educational field is considered as a set of educational systems, within its limit a certain place is assigned, is organized in the way of state system. The main idea of multicultural education filed in English classes is to equip students with the relevant knowledge, to form and develop skills allowing them to actively and productively interact with representatives of different cultures, the primary task of multicultural education is to foster respect for cultural differences and to prepare students for a real life in multicultural educational space.
At present, ideas of multicultural educational field penetrate into educational institutions intensively. Through multicultural education, it is proposed to encourage the desire of schoolchildren to acquire knowledge, skills, develop the abilities. These items is necessary for functioning within other subcultures, national and world macro - cultures.
The research in the field of multicultural school education considers the following scientists: S.V. Kulnevich, O.I. Ponomarev, V.D. Shadrikov, A.Yu Belogurov. S.V. Kulnevich emphasizes that multicultural educational field in English classes at school «provides priority of such program knowledge which are turned by the teacher, the teacher directly to the personality, to problems, to experience of personal consciousness, self - organization. Not pedagogical requirements, and pedagogical support, not the amount of knowledge and personal growth of the student become the new values of multicultural education» [1, p. 105].
O.I. Ponomarev considers multicultural educational field at school is «a means of reducing tension in society and it requires the restructuring of the entire educational process, transformation of the curriculum based on the vision of the world from the standpoint of the representatives of different cultures» [1, p. 107].
The foundation of multicultural educational field in English lessons at school is the organization of the educational process, taking into account the national composition of students so that students do not break away from their ethnic roots in their spiritual development. Multiculturalism of school education expands the scope of the internal world of the student. The skills of cultural decentralization are mastered in the process of acquaintance with different historical and geographical knowledge, in the course of comparing the realities of different cultures. In the context of multicultural reality, people come into contact belonging to different Iinguocultural societies and the interaction and interpenetration of cultures lead to acculturation of members of the multicultural society, who unite different cultures in their minds, predisposed to dialogue with them [2, p. 45].
The dynamics of the development of the educational process, its internal movement, directly depends on how the character of the interaction of the participants develops, and what relationships arise between them. The term pedagogical interaction at classes is fully reflected through communication and cooperation by engaging in mutual activities of all participants of the educational process.
At present, the relevance of studying the issues of social interaction, between teacher and student in a modern school, is determined by the fact that there is a tendency for seeking new ways to modernize the educational system. Those innovations cover any type of content, forms, means and methods of educational activity. The implementation of the following goals and provisions depends on the system of interaction itself, which includes participants in the educational process.
V.P. Bederkhanova, U.F. Manuilova, S.V. Tarasova, V.Ya. Yasvin, Sh.A. Amonashvili and V.Ya. Nechaev were involved into the study of the issues of social interaction between the teacher and the student in the modern schools. Today, scientists, V.P. Bederkhanova, Yu.F. Manuilova, S.V. Tarasova, V.Ya. Yasvin, continue to consider the problems of social interaction in the issues of cooperation between teachers and students. They believe that the most effective type Ofinteraction is the educational environment of schools, which is open to external social interactions, and when students are active participants in the process of modelling of appropriate relations and the creation of appropriate conditions that develop productive environment [3, p. 206].
In the system of social interaction of students and teachers, there are a number of deep contradictions. For instance, there are two social groups in the educational process that differentiate according to a whole set of criteria, resulting in difficulties in pedagogical communication. With the social interaction of the school and teachers, students interact in the process of their joint activities and communication, which can be regarded as a source and an important mechanism for their development.
In the modern world, the younger generation, from their point of view, believes that in the process of education, they acquire obsolete knowledge and orientations, and it can not be relied on in the real world. This de - adapts the person in relation to existing conditions. In order to minimize this process, it could be achieved through the modernization of the traditional principles of interaction between the teacher and the children, where the former acts as the leading and the latter as the guided. In other words, it is essential to reorient the dialogue of the two cultures.
The interaction of the teacher and the student, in the educational process as a social problem, can indeed be viewed as a natural phenomenon in which the participants exhibit their natural, psychological and social characteristics, as the norms of culture, lifestyles, goals and tasks of the life activities of the representatives of two social groups. However, if we focus on the convergence of basic needs and interests in education, cooperation is possible as the only constructive variant of solidarity in the school.
By interacting with the society and public organizations, the educational institution becomes a social system that has a purposeful influence on the formation of a harmoniously developed personality through the lessons and after - school activities. To maximize the effective interaction within the school, it is certainly makes sense to conduct a study for new forms outside of it, and expand the level of public participation in the life activities of the educational institution and society is becoming topical.
T. Saenko points out that the introduction of state - public education management in educational institutions contributes to the development of institutions of public participation in educational activities as an important condition for openness and investment attractiveness of the education sector. The openness of the school to society allows changing the attitude of society towards school, raising the awareness of the community about the possibilities and effectiveness of educational systems, and increasing the image of the school [4, p. 71].
The teaching of languages by schoolchildren in the context of cultural and social values should serve as an effective means of mutual understanding among peoples. The formation of linguistic and Iinguodidactic competence is valuable in enriching one’s own culture as a whole, culture of communication, speech, mental work. The study of foreign languages allows not only to develop linguistic competence, but also to acquaint students with the culture of the country of the studied language. Comparison of cultural elements of another country with the native knowledge, gives the opportunity to obtain confirmation of the ideas of cultural diversity, understand particularities of the cultural manifestations due to specific economic, political, and social development, to take these features for granted, to consider them in their relations with carriers of other cultures, to feel respect for the cultural achievements, to involve problems and difficulties, to strive for cultural cooperation.
Multicultural education and upbringing in English classes allows to develop the ability of noticing and taking into account alternative opinion one’s own actions. During the lessons students get acquainted with the multidimensional nature of social reality, its polyphony, diversity, learn about the existence of different points of view, logic of reasoning, languages of expression, different from their own, they also learn the skills of dialogue, exchange of views. In this aspect, multicultural education is directly related to the development of critical thinking, educates the desire for a productive solution to the problems arising on the national soil.
Multicultural education is the knowledge of a person polyculture, the possibility of one s self — realization in the multicultural world maintaining the relationship with the native language, culture, which ultimately contributes to the conflict - free identification of the individuals in a multicultural society and its integration into the multicultural world space.
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