In this article problems are considered in a mountain production questions of organization and realization of safe conduct of works. And it must be spared especially large attention, as technological processes objectively are the source of enhanceable danger. It is the seismic works related to the production of explosive works, well-drilling with possible, not always predictable extrass, fountains and fires of oil and gas, collapses and explosions, in coal and other mines, danger of nuclear contamination at working mine of radioactive raw material etc. Already this list talks about a variety and possible heavy consequences that can happen because of violation of requirements of safe conduct of works.
Cardinal direction of improving the management of coal mines — reduction of accidents and injuries due to mine safety. Underground coal mining is carried out in high-risk for a person who works in a confined space, the possible collapse of rocks and coal, a high concentration of coal and rock dust, flammable and explosive gas and dust, high vibration, noise, humidity and ambient, low light conditions and etc.
All this is the root cause of systematic injuries and occupational diseases of miners. The highest level of safety of mining operations in recent years is provided in the mines of the United States, where, for example, the rate of injury deaths averaged 0.06 cases per 1 million tons of coal mined.
In the mines of the Russian Federation in 1997 was 2.6 deaths per 1 million tons of production, in 2002 0,76 and for the period from 1994 to 2002 inclusive — an average of 1,4 cases, that is 23 times higher than in the In the USSR in 1989 was 0,89 cases and in the mines of Germany — 0,54 in the case of working conditions that are similar in complexity to the mines of the USSR, but with a high level of mechanization and organization of mining operations, as well as high production discipline miners.
Ukrainian mines after its secession from the Soviet Union from 1991 to 2001 inclusive 3700 miners die, or 5.4 cases per year, which is 65–80 times higher than in the US. The highest injury rates recorded in the mines of China, where people die each year 5.5–6 per 1 million tons extraction or 90–100 times higher than in the US. This situation with mine safety in mines of China due to the huge number of small mines, which virtually no mechanization and safety.
The main causes of death of miners in China are fires, explosions of methane and coal dust, sudden methane emissions and relatively low technical level of equipment even in the state mines. Particularly low reliability of mining machines, high accident which leads to increased risk and a high level of injuries. Up to 72–75 % of heat energy in China is provided by coal, so the Chinese government is taking measures to improve safety in mines, including reduced during the period from 1997 to 2002, the number of small mines with 92 thousand to 23 thousand. In 2002 was invested 240 million. Dollars to improve the technical level of mining equipment and planned to invest another $700 million Dollars. It was also decided on the criminal liability of heads of mines when the number of serious accidents over 10.
The sharp decline in mine safety in the mines of Ukraine in the last decade, primarily due to a sharp decline in the quality of mining equipment, manufactured in their own factories, as well as low-discipline mine personnel to ensure the safety requirements.
The basic principle of the US coal industry in the first half of the XX century was to ensure maximum productivity, which led to disasters in mines, deaths and occupational diseases of miners. The leaders of the mines did not pay enough attention to the safety of miners. However, due to a large explosion November 20, 1968 at the mine in Farmington (WV, USA), claimed the lives of 78 miners, the US Congress quickly at the beginning of 1969 passed the first federal law establishing the «Administration of the Health and safety in the mining industry «MSHA (Mining Safety and Health Administration). By the mid-1970s this administration has developed and introduced new safety regulations in mines, covering all the issues of exploitation, control over the execution of which was entrusted to the newly created for this state inspectors, has great power to influence the management of the mines.
In the 1990s US coal industry came under the influence of bankers, financiers and other investors who have previously considered it one of the least interesting sectors for investment capital. While, labor productivity was less important factor of success, than the current estimate of investments, as assets of income.
A high level of safety in the mines US provided the following main factors:
- Favorable geological conditions of underground coal mining in comparison with the conditions of mine from other countries, especially the CIS countries and in particular in Kazakhstan;
- Understanding of the investors that the return on invested capital is a long-term, so it is necessary to maintain the stability of the coal company and improve work safety in the mine due to the introduction of new equipment, which ensures reduction in the number of workers in the mine and increase in production [1];
- High technical level of applied technology for performance, reliability, durability and ensure safe conditions for its operation due to modern systems of remote and automated control, diagnostics and equipment condition
The problem of mine safety in the mines of the CIS states require urgent solutions because of the level of injuries and occupational diseases, which is significantly higher than all the mines in the last years of the Soviet Union, and many times higher than in the mines of the United States.
Thus, the coal industry, being one of the most important parts of the fuel and energy complex of Kazakhstan is characterized by heavy, harmful and dangerous working conditions, requires special attention, special consideration and radical solutions, primarily, the protection of health and safety. Conducted in the last decade (mine Karaganda basin with July 1, 1996 were transferred to foreign control and became part of the «Ispat-karmet», now JSC «ArcelorMittal Temirtau») structural changes had an impact on the state of security in the industry.
During the implementation of the restructuring program were closed unprofitable and particularly dangerous mines, and this had a positive impact on the state of accidents and injuries.
However, the situation in the industry is far from favorable, and is of particular concern, as yet unresolved serious problems that are fundamental to improve the safety objective of the coal enterprises. This is evidenced by the explosions of methane gas in the mines «Shakhtynsk» in 2004 and Lenin Coal Department in 2006 of JSC «ArcelorMittal Temirtau», which led to casualties.
Unfortunately, in the mines of Coal Department of JSC «ArcelorMittal Temirtau» until there is no clear system of monitoring the safety of mining operations and protection of miners. This is primarily due to the deterioration of mining and geological conditions of the deepening of mining operations, delay in matters of reconstruction and modernization, aging capital stock, a reduction of the scientific potential, reduction in the efficiency of public administration as in the industrial sector, and occupational safety in the industry.
Currently, the consumption of electrical energy in underground coal in the way the country is in the region of 10 % of the product of its volume. Obviously, the effective use of this energy source is an actual economic problem.
As is known, a measure of consumption of electricity is the specific energy consumption (UREE), which is in the mines of coal department of JSC «ArcelorMittal Temirtau» varies widely 43.3 % of mines, the figure is 22 to 50 kWh / t with an average consumption of 36 kWh / t to 38.5 % — 50 to 80 kWh / t with an average value of 63 kWh / m and 18.2 % — from 80 to 185 kWh / t average consumption 112.5 kWh / t. The analysis showed that in the past 8–12 years UREE the mines increased on average 1,45 — 2,2 times, although the absolute power consumption decreased.
These data suggest that one of the ways to improve the safety of mining operations, improve the management of occupational safety and health in mines may be an improvement in the process of diagnosing the underground electrical equipment at unscheduled repairs based on the development of search algorithms failures that minimize the likelihood of erroneous actions of staff. For this purpose it is convenient to use the principles of the minimax criterion to minimize the duration of the fault localization in the worst case, when denying the most difficult to see the object of diagnosis (OD) [2].
Let the information presented in the form of OD matrix states (MS), in which the set: a set of faulty states OD
Figure 1. A binary diagnostic tree without (a) and with regard to (b) the safety factor
Another direction of solving the problem of mining safety in the mines of Kazakhstan, as the economic practice may be to improve the management of repair mine workings at coal mines [3].
Currently, coal mines used computer-aided management of various technological processes: sewage treatment works, underground transport, ventilation. In an analysis of the organization and management of the repair work was necessary to determine the structure and content of the block subsystem based on the outline of research on automation of technological processes (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Block diagram of control repair mine workings
Block I «Control of the mine workings» should be focused condition monitoring results workings various production units. The information contained in various journals such as the Journal of Surveying Survey workings; mine technical inspection regulations (GTI) and the other shall be stored in a computer and are updated as necessary.
In block 2, «Initial data on the repaired workings» focus managed and unmanaged options: power formation, stability of surrounding rock production, the method of the workings, cross-sectional area, type of roof support, develop a method of protection. In this block also receives the results of the control unit 1.
In block 3 «Analysis and establishing a list of repaired workings» are defined scope of work for the type of repair and structure of repair cycle. In this block are planned volumes of repair work. If the data block 2 can be stored in a computer memory and, if necessary, issue a print, then to perform the functions necessary to block 3 analytical thinking and human performance computers.
Currently, the mines of coal department of JSC «ArcelorMittal Temirtau» in determining the volume of repair work using survey methods workings. Output document examination is an act, which shows all the generation in need of repair, and the amount of money for repairs. For final approval of the list of repairable workings, a commission composed of the chief engineer, chief surveyor, head of department of regulation and Chief repair-restoration site.
Surveying Department of mine carries out regular monitoring of the mine workings. The results of observations are logged. Thus, there is an accumulation of information over a long period of time. For ease of use offered the necessary information written in computer memory and provide on-demand. To establish the total planned repairs Commission carefully analyzes the state of developments and make appropriate conclusions. To give them legal force mine management services issued a document signed by the chief engineer of the mine, which is the basis for planning the volume of repair works on mine sites each month. At the same time considering the possibility of maintenance-free content mining plan and planned activities required. Departments Logistics (MTS) and marketing, as well as labor and wages on the basis of applications section heads provide working materials, the tools necessary to carry out repair work [4].
In the 4 th block, «Calculation of the need for human resources,» a determination of optimum number of maintenance workers for the mine with the help of the main provisions of queuing theory.
In 5 th block, «Estimates repairs» solve the problem of long-term planning. In this case, the amount of repair work is supposed to be determined by extrapolation methods, which allows to obtain satisfactory results in practice.
Block 6, «Calculation of the volume of unscheduled repairs» associated with a system of preventive measures carried out in the mines, and can be used for calculations in the elimination of the consequences of debris and other geological disturbances. The process of organizing unscheduled repairs can be represented as the functioning of a queuing system in which the flow is calling sequence requirements for workers repair work in the mines, and the duration of service determined by the duration of the repair operation. The required number of maintenance workers can be found in the same manner as the calculation of human resource requirements.
Block 7, which calculates the needs of materials, is closely connected with the subsystem logistics mine. In determining the amount of repair work and resources are also set to perform them.
Block 8 includes a set of corrective changes to be made in the other circuit blocks. All units subsystems are closely linked backward and forward linkages.
Process control subsystem repair work can function only on the basis of information links. Information support subsystem repair mine workings consist of data obtained by monitoring the state of mining, identification and registration of deviations and changes in the parameters of the production of passport data, preparation and processing of primary information, providing management personnel mine of information needed for decision-making, implementation of operational direct and feedback between the administrative apparatus of the mine and the actual perpetrators of [5].
Currently, information on the status of the mine workings are concentrated in various magazines. In the coal department of JSC «ArcelorMittal Temirtau» and Computing Center (CC) received only the following information: the total length of the mine workings at the end of the year; extent of workings that do not meet the passport, at the end of the year; length refurbished workings for the year. No feedback coal department with individual mines of JSC «ArcelorMittal Temirtau» on the status of mining. Consequently, a coffee way of storing information does not provide its efficiency, reliability, accuracy.
Plot repair mine workings receives information from various departments of the mine. Thus, the data on the control state mining comes from surveying department inspectors GTI, as well as from the technical department. Chief engineer and head of repair-restoration area (RVU) acquainted with the operational information, analyze it with specialists from other departments and make technical decisions. Guidance section for repair and restoration of mine workings solved planning and payroll departments with accounting and finance, as well as planned the department of labor and wages. On ensuring RVU skilled workers foreman turns to the personnel department of the mine. Department of MTS and marketing, as well as land transport intramine associated with RVU through the production department, which coordinates and satisfies the flow of requests for materials and trucks. Electromechanical Division repair rigging used for repairs workings. Mining Manager coordinates the work of the mine, provides empty RVU. With all of these entities repair and refurbishment site provides direct and feedback. Currently, communication is supported via phone, selectors and personal contacts, although there is a need of creating a data bank in the computer memory [6].
The result of solving management subsystem repair mine workings is information on the size of the repaired workings, their type, and duration of operation, condition, compared with the published data. These data allow to optimally redistributing existing material and labor resources for repairs.
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